ENTERPRISE 10/29/03: The Shipment

I submit that he did not make all the choices, L’Pelt. Archer reacdted to his being a good guy instead of a bad guy.

You’ve been read that Aristotle Poetics crap again, haven’t you? :slight_smile:
Oedipus Rex, it’s all about Oedipus Rex and nothin’ else.

Crap, Linus. :frowning:
I hope it doesn’t last.

Hope you find a job quicker than I have, Linus. Two months and counting.

(Thanks, viva.)

Since I was pretty tired by the time I finally got to see my tape, I decided to take another look tonight, and I caught something that confused me:

Graylik tells Archer that the Xindi destroyed their own homeworld a hundred years ago due to interspecies fighting. And now the remaining species are scattered. So…do they have some new homeworld elsewhere? They’re worried about Earth destroying it, after all.

Did I miss something?

Future didn’t say that the Xindi find out Earthers destroy their homeworld. He said Earthers destroy THEM, their race.

Ah. Thank you. Just a memory misfeed as usual.

Hey, did you folks see Kill Bill? They quote the “old Klingon proverb” about revenge being a dish that is best served cold–right before the first frame. They also refer to one of the assassins as wearing a Star Trek villain outfit.


Thanks for the good wishes, Viva and Aes. I suppose it could be worse. My wife has a decent job so there’s still money coming in and I did get severance. What really irritates me is that instead of being a last resort for a company having troubles, layoffs have become the first choice (especially at the end of the year when they want to cook the books to make the numbers look good). And then they wonder why morale is so bad.

carnivorousplant, I don’t think that we disagree. In fact, I’m the one that mentioned in a comment to Cervaise that Archer had to make a real decision this time (albeit yet another one without consequences). I also disagree with Cervaise who felt that the real choices were made by the alien technician. Yes, Graylik did offer to help (does anyone else find his willingness to betray his people based only on his grandfather’s experience and the word of an alien just a little hard to swallow, BTW?) but Archer still had to:
a: Decide that not all Xindi were his enemy. And
b: Choose to make the less tactically sound decision that he felt still preserved their humanity.
Where I felt it failed dramatically was in it’s predictablity and lack of tension. Once Graylik was established as a nice guy, I never thought for a moment that the writers would allow Archer to be burned by his decision to trust him.

On an entirely different subject, I hope I didn’t offend you with my abbreviation of your name carnivorousplant. I was amused by the result when you returned the favor - it looks kind of Vulcan, I think. As for Oedipus Rex, that’s far too complex a subject to get into right now.

L’Pelt was the Vulcan who had rotten plomeek fruit thrown at him for not dissagreeing with his compatriots.

And V’lostwages was a silly Romulan who couldn’t find her way home from the desert even in broad daylight.

And C’Plant the Ferenghi who cornered the Christmas tree market in the Sinai.

And C’Case is the Vulcan who shut himself away for 17 years to research the perfect business opportunity. He sold all his possessions and setup an Abies balsamea farm in the Blue Desert on Earth. Only to find a Ferenghi named C’Plant had beaten him to the area. However he was named King of the Bleed’in Obvious by the local rotary club.

T’Tarkas was the Gorn who opened the first McDonalds on planet Gornar.

C’Ervaise picks wildflowers, dresses in women’s clothing, and hangs around in Ten Forward.

N’C’Boy was a starship.

i shall miss next weeks episode for i shall be in illinois buying a house.

What area? I have family in central Illinois, on the Missouri border.

My Grandmother was from Illinois, but we keep it quiet outside the family.

Unfortunately, given the lumbering way the Gorn typically move, they weren’t terribly well suited to the Fast Food industry.

in Rock Island (Cajun man and Dr. Matrix live there), i just got the cashier’s check after i posted that, and fly out there tomorrow. Then one day of seeing home before i return thursday. I’m convinced i don’t really have to be there and the loan official is just making up stuff to save paperwork, but i don’t feel like fighting her since we’re getting the house at a great deal and i don’t want to lose it. It will be rented out, so soon i shall require people to address me as Land Baron Tars Tarkas.

well, that and the constant evil snickering while preparing McNuggets turned people off. I won’t even tell you about the guy we hired to make the fries…(“What’s taters, precious?”)