Enterprise: The Crossing (spoilers)

This could be taken so many Panda-ish ways…

Mine is more an 18 wheeler tractor/trailer rig. By Peterbuilt.


Or a nutsack filled with…mixed nuts. Denobulons are part squirrel, don’tcha know.

Wasn’t Pander the Panda invented in the create your own Enterprise episode thread by Enderw24?

The first instance i found in a search was by elf6c in a regular ENT thread.

It was immediately incorporated into regular Trek Doper speech.

Sometimes the Panda is actually in the scene, like the episode where Malcome, Hoshi, T’Pol, and Panda were in the decon after sexing up a damaged Klingon ship.

Other times, He’s behind the scenes, like when we saw trip get impregnated by reverse osmosis in an alien holodeck makeout scene.

An alien holodeck the size of a Buick.

I got your Buick

I was refering to my liver being the size of a Buick what with all the vanilla coke.

i got your Vanilla Coke

But truely, the Panda is not one thing. It is many. It is in the air, and in the trees. It lives in our hearts and minds. It was there in spirit at the first Enterprise thread and will be there for the last, echoing its enticing mating call.

It soothes the soul it does.


Pft. Maxim. I meant Playboy or Hustler or Big Breasted Women from Outer Space or something. :stuck_out_tongue:

Wesley lover.

Star Wars nerd.


I cannot bear such an odious insult, Sir!

My second, Tars Takas will call on you in the morning!
Brickbats at half a mile!

You forget yourself. As the challenged, weapon choice is my domain.

Viva, my isomagnetic disintegrator, please.

Er, my isomagnetic disintegrator is in the shop.

Baseball bats at 500 paces?

Paintball guns at fifty.

Those $20.00 single shot things from Mall Wart?

Hey, I’ve got an interview at Mall Wart Monday! Don’t go insulting them unless you want me to challenge you to a… er… oh, yeah… that’s right.

OK, but I want Tars to check mine out and be sure I get blue.