"Enterprise vs Death Star" thread on Fark

I know it’s been done to death, but the pure, unmitigated concentration of geekpower and comments are amusing.
Could the USS Enterprise take out the Death Star?

I can’t believe I waded through that whole thing. I feel sick from the overload of geekiness.

Just to provide a less geeky and more comical view of the matchup:


Pffbt, if the Enterprise could take on the Borg, George Lucas’ punk ass Death Star would be np.

From What Exit?'s link:


Just out of curiosity, how wide was the “trench” on the first Death Star?

It’d be wild to see the Enterprise (original or —A) barrelin’ down the center at full impulse. :eek: :cool:

“Captain, we are within firing range…”
“Not yet, Spock! Steady…steady…”
Steady…”[dramatic pause] “NOW, Ensign!”

It was not much wider (i.e. 3x or less) than the wingspan of a one man fighter. I’m assuming that the human shaped characters in Star Wars are roughly human sized, so I’d put it on the order of 100 feet wide.

Starship Dimensions