I’m doing some research on environmental problems in China. I would like to find some tables or other easy and straightforward comparisons between China and other Newly Industrialized Countries at a similar level of development.
I have googled, and am simply overwhelmed by the amount of replies. Would greatly appreciate it if someone out there has some links to some basic and useful information. Thanks!
To clarify, I would look for something more pollution specific. Things such as air quality of major cities, water quality, flooding, deforestation, reforestation, desertification, rate of population growth, government spending on environmental cleanup, etc. Really, anything with some country by country comparisons (including China) would be useful.
Quality of life issues are much more subjective, and most newly industrialized countries are highly dualistic. Therefore, such things as infant mortality rates, population literacy, are more outside of what I’m researching.
Well, these are the big guys on the block. Every country gets a yearly cough an’ grope from the, allegedly, much respected OECD. Looks like (from the left-hand menu) they address the Environment but I don’t have the time to take a tour. Hope it helps.
The OECD isn’t a bad place to start, but they’re basically a government body, so while you can trust what they say pretty well, they might not be as hard-hitting as an international non-profit. I don’t know if the Worldwatch Institute’s annual report has country-by-country breakdowns or not; if it does, it’s a great source, though evidently you either have to buy it or find it in a library. If I have time I may be able to find a couple more sources in the next day or two. Any specific questions, give a shout as well
The 1992 Information Please Environmental Almanac had a profile for each country. Unfortunately, they appear to have stopped publishing the annual in 1994.
Earth Almanac: An Annual Geophysical Review of the State of the Planet, Second Edition (Earth Almanac) exists. I have not looked at it.
http://www.grida.no/soe/ provides, "Links to state-of-the-environment reports from countries and regions of the world. "
Jeepers. :eek: [emerging with difficulty from underneath search engine]
It might help if you had a list of countries you want to compare. Putting in “air pollution newly industrialized” just generates avalanches of this kind of thing:
Duck Duck Goose, I was really hoping that someone had some handy dandy sites. Otherwise, I may as well do the googling myself. I posted in response to the sheer weight of google replies. However, if you are up for a challenge, China, India, Indonesia would be nice. I’d like to throw in a country that is reasonably representative of newly industrialized nations in Africa and eastern europe as well.
Some of my cites may lead you to information on all countries.
If you are going to work with a subset, I might recommend that you take a look at Chile. Though small, it has used some interesting market-driven environmental policies.
May not really be what you’re looking for but here’s a news article about a recent UN Environment Programme (UNEP)'s “Global 500 Roll of Honour for Environmental Achievement” award to the city of Shenzen
Not perfect, but does have a few comparisons that are useful in case any one is interested. It provides enough comparisons to help with what I’m writing.