Does anyone remember an episode of a sitcom (probably came out sometime between 1995- 2000) where a man was mistaken for a pregnant woman, and the regular sitcom hysterics ensued?
I remember that one of the main characters of the show felt badly about making the mistake and then made it worse.
It’s not terribly important, but it was a funny episode, and it’s bothering me that I can’t remember the show.
Mad About You had something very similar. I believe it started on a bus, with Paul giving up his seat, then following him home to apologize, then ending up at a coffee house.
I’m sure it was Mad About You, because toward the end of the episode Paul confronted the person and asked when “she” was due, leading to the mutual humiliation of him being wrong and the guy realizing he looked like a woman.
I liked that show a lot, until they messed up the characters with the near-divorce. Just wasn’t necessary.