'ETA:' versus 'Edit:'

I use ETA all the time, but apparantly I just broke the cherry of a number of people who have been online for decades and had no clue what it meant, not even in context. What’s amusing is that if you google it, this thread comes up third on the results list. :stuck_out_tongue:
Tell me it’s not just a Doper thing and I somehow picked it up here?

I really only use it if I want to add something that relates to a post that came in after mine or while I was posting or I want to add something to my post in such a way that it’s easier just to drop it in at the end then to try to reword the post in the five minute edit window. The ETA acronym is just a quick way for me to let the reader know why the last sentence seems out of place. If you really want to get annoyed look at the mafia games with all the posts that start out with NETA (Not Edited To Add).

I’ve started using EDIT: specifically because people complained of not knowing what ETA meant.

Some people have a real thing about posting right after themselves and want to make it clear that, at least in their mind, this second post is really just part of the first post.

I don’t have this problem.

AAMOF, IIRC, the AAAAA lists 2 ETAs.

Context is everything.

ETA: There is no way this could refer to an arrival time.

I always write it out-“edited” or “edited to add”. I guess I’m too old school.

I read ETA as “Edited to Add”, which is a statement of what happened.
I read Edit as a statement of something to do…which I obviously can’t…'cause it isn’t my thread.


Exactly. When we’re discussing Affirmative Action, and someone posts “AA”, people generally don’t mistake that for Alcoholics Anonymous.

I use both, depending on the situation. I am going to post this then immediately edit to explain the difference.

Edit: Orginally the above read
I use both. I am going to post this then immediately edit to explain the difference. I just added the “depending” bit.

ETA: This is reserved for when I add a new sentence or paragraph to a post rather than changing what I had previously written.

^^^^ Prezactly. Ok, thanks for confirming I’m not just making up stuff as I go along.
ETA: It’s been known to happen. :wink:

I’ve been wondering what ETA was for a looong time, but it never quite rose to the level of wanting to ask. Thanks for asking Lobster.
Question: What if you remove something, is that ETR?

Now that sounds like fun!

On this board, I’d just use the area that you can fill in as to why you’re editing to explain.

That field is for wisecracks. It is ONLY for wisecracks. Every time you use it in a serious fashion you make Baby Dionysus cry.

Quoth Joey P:

Of course, that’s largely because actual editing is often frowned upon in Mafia games, by the game moderator and/or the other players.

Huh…when I see ETA I always thought it meant E Tu, Uteri? which I find eminently appropriate…


I’m going to Paris on Thursday.

ETA:ETA:5 am

Nicely done.

How about just leaving it out altogether?

They don’t need to know. 99.9999 percent of the time it’s either obvious or trivial.