Ethics of Suicide (tangent from "van lifer goes missing" thread)

That is an instance where I am willing to concede that my general characterization of suicide as wrong may not apply.

^ This.

MOST people who are suicidal are NOT “in their right minds” or legally competent to make decisions. If you aren’t competent to run your affairs then you are competent to make a life-or-death decision.

As I’ve said all along (although some choose to ignore what I say) there are exceptions. But they’re just that - exceptions.

No, he does not have an obligation to stay alive for the sake of other people. It’s his decision. And I have my own opinion of his decision. He’s a selfish asshole, and not just because of how he murdered himself, but also because he most likely murdered Gaby Petito.

What, you think I have not experienced suicide in my family? An uncle, my oldest sister, suicide attempts by my mother, an attempt by a boyfriend, a college roommate, a stranger who chose the train I was riding to end it all (that one resulted in the driver becoming completely hysterical and needing to be sedated and taken off the train on stretcher). Again, don’t try the sob stories. I’ve seen the wreckage left behind, experienced it, and that is precisely why I say suicide is a selfish act that inflicts great harm on other people. Sometimes directly - as in the case of the suicide on the train tracks - and sometimes simply because a loved one has died when they didn’t have to, and the murderer is also the self-same loved one, which generates all sorts of contradictory emotions.

Again, I have stated multiple times there can be exceptions. Stop straw-manning me.

And likewise with me.