Ethics of Suicide (tangent from "van lifer goes missing" thread)

If they cared so deeply about other people WHY would they do something so supremely painful to others?

Their pain does not give them license to hurt other people.

Yes, yes, yes, - more of the notion that the only person whose pain counts and is worthy of note is the person who kills themself. With that attitude I’m not surprised that a teen suicide can generate a “cascade” - if you ignore the intense and deeply felt pain of those left behind and the only pain you pay attention to is that of the suicide is it that puzzling that other people might also choose to kill themselves, or try to, or feign and attempt, in order to have someone pay attention to THEIR pain?

Again - I don’t care how deep their pain is, it doesn’t excuse them hurting other people.


Just ignore that I find coercing people out of their beliefs to be deeply immoral and offensive. You are engaging in conduct I find morally repulsive in doing so. You are not going to change my mind on something that I have been contemplating for over 40 years now. You disregard my own personal experience. You disregard MY pain. What ever makes you think I will listen to you tell me over and over what a bad and horrible person I am because I refuse to let you indoctrinate me to your viewpoint? Do you honestly think that is the way to win people over to your viewpoint?

Maybe, maybe not. But that has been MY experience of suicides and attempted suicides. Lots of lashing-out. Lots of putting other people at risk of maiming or death while they are killing themselves.

I get WHY my sister killed herself - she suffered from severe episodes of clinical depression for nearly two decades. She died of her disease just as surely as someone with complications of diabetes can die of their disease. Funny, though - people say things like “fuck cancer” all the time these days, and people agree with them. It’s apparently OK to be angry at cancer. Angry at the mental illness that killed a loved one? You’re a horrible person. Mixed messages and double-standards all over the place.

I’ve had grief counseling, and it has helped. Thank you for your understanding.

I suspect a LOT of undiagnosed mental illness, everywhere.

Terminal illness leading to great suffering? Depends on the circumstances but I’d be totally OK with, say, a medical ethics committee making that decision.

On the other hand, there are probably better ways to off yourself than leaving your strangled body behind for a loved one to find. That’s pretty damn ugly. But not my call.

I lived 30 years with someone disabled and in chronic pain. Yes, he often masked his symptoms, but on his bad days he could be a real pain in the ass selfish dick. Being disabled does not make a person a saint, nor does being a chronic pain patient. The fact that they often are very dependent on others can force them to suppress their feelings and alter how they behave out of fear of being abandoned. They are no more or less selfish than anyone else.