Ethnic tensions too much for Sesame Street.

Sadly, it seems that the Middle East version of Sesame Street will no longer be showing Israelis and Palistinians (muppets or children) coexisting.

(From The Globe and Mail)

Maybe it was a quixotic and idealistic project at the outset, but I’m kind of bummed to hear that they’re backing off. I know it’s wrong, but this chokes me up in a way that the litany of casualty figures doesn’t seem to, anymore. Loss of life has become a dreary routine-- this seems like a loss of hope. :([ul]*Come and play
Everything’s A-okay
Friendly neighbors there
That’s where we meet

Can you tell me how to get
How to get to Sesame Street? *[/ul]I never thought those lyrics would make me cry.

Here is an optimistic JTA story about the show’s beginnings.