etv78 - Who the fuck do you think you are? [open spoilers for How I Married Your Mother finale]

Not wanting children is an anomaly. Not certain why the term bothers you OP. If it were not an “anomaly” our species would have likely ceased to exist long ago. After all, reproduction I’d a biological imperative and ignoring those takes a conscious act of will which is not the norm.

That’s the very definition of the word “anomaly”: Something that is unlike the norm.

I don’t think so. With any animal that lives in groups, some reproduce and many don’t. If they all reproduced, they’d eat themselves out of their habitat in a few breeding cycles.

There’s nothing anomalous about being one of the many individuals in a group that isn’t breeding. There are plenty of breeders in that group to keep the species going.

It’s OK, doesn’t actually bother me that much. Like you I’ve been “over” it for a while, but I haven’t bothered to watch.

I often lose track of who this etv is, but if he’s enough whatever to make ZipperfreakingJJ BBQ him, then I’m sure I don’t like him.

Exactly. It’s like Laura Petry calling you a motherfucker.

(ZipperJJ: I mean that lovingly.:wink: )

Do you guys not realize how much etv trolls this board for negative attention? It’s obvious in the many threads he starts that (appropriately) turn into a pile-on against him, and he loves it. If he didn’t want the negative attention, he would use other usernames when he trolls other boards. He wants to be discovered. 100% Troll.

sitting in a tree

this foreplay ya’ll are demonstrating is an anomaly! or a very strange prequel to how i met yo mama.

iam sensing a bit of RO here, and i don’t even watch network sitcoms at all

It’s never, ever a bad thing to be compared to Miss Mary.

Even if it is - and I’m not stupid, I look around and realize that not wanting children puts me in a very unique position - it has nothing to do with my ability to enjoy or be part of the target audience for a show where 5 years in, two of the characters have a child.

You don’t get to use a woman’s reproductive choices in an argument against her, for anything. You just don’t.

Especially if you are a seriously, seriously creepy human being yourself.

Yes, yes, your trolling has not gone unnoticed asshole.

etv78 is a fucktard who likes to molest puppies. Hopefully TPTB will realize this and never let him near children.

Using the word “asshole” does little to make your half-witted post any better.

I’m not “trolling”; I stated what I think and what I what thought.You might not notice the difference as you seem to lack that ability. By that I mean “thinking” as the subtlety in that comment probably went over your head.

On a side note: It would have been nice if your mother had been pro-choice. Or at least anti-fetal alcohol syndrome.

It’s the BBQ Pit. Asshole and fuck are required.

My kids keep pointing out that surveys suggest that a dog will wait two more days after you’re dead to start eating you. But they have dogs, so I’m not sure you can trust what they say.

Well, I would do, but…

… dude, you reported me, so I think you know what I have to say on the subject.


This bugs me, probably all out proportion to the statement. … BUT being pro choice does not mean “will abort pregnancy should one occurs.” My mother was pro choice - but didn’t want one in her personal case. But she supported that women have the right to make a choice for themselves. Her choice was children - 3 of them - but she was still pro choice. I know a lot of mothers who are pro-choice without necessarily being pro abortion. Saying “I wish your mother had been pro choice” when you mean “I wish you had been aborted” (which is how I take your statement) is nonsensical.

You fail at science. For example, 1 in 5 women never have children. While it’s possible that most of these are involuntarily childless, you’ll need to provide research to support that.

And it’s possible that you’ll call something that happens in 1 in 5 cases anomalous, but I don’t think that matches how most folks use the term.

Yes, most folks want kids; this is true. Yes, it’s instinctual; this is true. However, though we may be jumped-up monkeys, we are jumped-up: one of the things that humans are real good at is evaluating our instinctive desires and deciding whether to resist them or follow through to them. Someone who has kids solely because it’s instinctive isn’t to be commended for this behavior.

Calling reproduction a biological imperative might be true, but for the jumpeduppedosity of our species. For us, it’s more of a biological strongly-worded suggestion. Not everyone wants to take that suggestion.

Wat?? Who says? Are you stalking me now? Tsk. :slight_smile:

I have never really put a whole of stock in the content of etv78’s post. At least the persona he portrays on this board doesn’t have much life experience and is pretty much a full time victim. If I were the OP I wouldn’t sweat over it very much.

Wait, what? Wanting kids is instinctual? So I am missing instincts? Huh. Well, thank Og some of us are, otherwise, as my dad used to say, we’d be ass-deep in people. More than we already are.

I Pit anyone who pretends to care about a TV show but gets the show’s title wrong in the very thread-title.

She didn’t put it in the thread title, a moderator did so as to mention that there were open spoilers.