etv78 - Who the fuck do you think you are? [open spoilers for How I Married Your Mother finale]

BAD Mod!

I don’t think it’s possible to put a whole lot of stock in the content of etv78’s posts. They are like the epitome of fluff, of thoughtless drivel, of pointless words. But they are all lies as well. He is about the most boring troll in the history of computers. :frowning:

Can’t tell if you’re serious, but uh, yeah. It’s a tricky theory of evolution that puts us monkeys as the only animals in existence without the procreative urge.

That doesn’t mean everyone has it, or even that everyone has it in the same way or to the same degree or whatever.

Nitpick: corduroy is a fabric.

Pitting endorsed.

Endorsement pitted.

Not at all. Love that shirt you’ve got on today though, the colour really brings out your eyes…

Pitting of endorsement pitted.

I wonder if you could explain this. I have no idea what “tricky theory of evolution makes us monkeys the only animals without the procreative urge” has to do with having babies being instinctual. Is something missing?

They all want to though; some just aren’t as successful as others. “Normal” behavior pretty much is a desire to reproduce, and anything else falls under “Abnormal”. It may not be vanishingly uncommon, but it’s certainly not “normal”.

I don’t think the audience of the show was specifically people who want to have kids though- ZipperJJ’s right about that.

So now I’m not just missing an instinct, I’m “abnormal” because I don’t have or want kids.

I don’t think it’s just etv78 who needs pitting here.

Nope, nothing’s missing–what do you think is missing?

It may be that you think I’m conflating “instinctual” or “natural” with “good” or “expected.” I’m not; I think that moral judgments should be divorced from discussions of instinct.

No, I just don’t understand the sentence. Are we “without the procreative urge”? I thought you said we had that urge? I’m confused.

Ah, I see the confusion. When I said “it’s a tricky theory of evolution,” that was a snarky and muddled way of saying, “You’d have to have a stupid messed-up understanding of evolution”. So what I meant was, “You’d have to have a stupid messed up understanding of evolution to believe that we monkeys are the only animals in existence without the procreative urge, since a good understanding of evolution would indicate that we have similar urges to those of our close relatives.” I apologize for the confusion.

This is a lie.

Agreed. Corduroy is not a fabric, it is an abomination.

Corduroy is a fabric.

“Did you hear about the new corduroy pillows? They’re making headlines.” <== THAT is an abomination.

So, you’re comparing her to Marty Feldman?:eek:

I actually agree that it’s not the “normal” way to be or the status quo. I don’t even argue that it’s an “anomaly,” if one must use that term. It’s not normal to want/have blue hair or live on a boat but people do it all the time and it’s fine. I don’t think LHoD is trying to tell you or me that we’re bad, just that we’re akin to less than the majority.

However, you do not get to make assumptions about me or exclude me from activities or groups un-related to actual child rearing just because I don’t want a child. I can enjoy plots that involve families and children just as much as the next person, even if I don’t want them myself.

In my post in the HIMYM thread, I compared myself to one of the main characters and felt that I was much like her and was happy with the way the story ended for her. I did not appreciate that the very next response glommed on to the phrase “I don’t want children” and immediately informed me that I was an anomaly and could therefore not possibly be expected to enjoy a show where some of the characters eventually had children.

The correct response would have been “As far as I remember, 100% of the characters in the show got around without a wheelchair - something you don’t do - so how is this a show for YOU?”

But that would just be fucking tacky and way out of line. You don’t go around saying shit like that. So I took one for the team and got me a warning instead.

That’s pretty much it. I figure our love of meat (or at least fatty umami protein, if you want to split hairs) is probably also ingrained in our human psyche, as is our propensity toward violence and our propensity toward love. But I hold nothing against vegans or against pacifists (though misanthropes–well, I hate 'em all). Ain’t nothing remotely wrong–or right–about going against instincts, or about feeling instinctive urges more than or less than other folks.

And also a type of road!

First we’re talking about procreation urges, then our love of meat…:smiley: