etv78 - Who the fuck do you think you are? [open spoilers for How I Married Your Mother finale]

Hey Ladies… If you’re in the mood to talk about your bra with ETV, here’s your chance!

Perhaps he plans on trolling the section on nursing bras?

Skeevy asshole.

Don’t be ridiculous. What would a nudist hippie want with a bra?

Every time he mentions teaching kids I die a little inside.

I wouldn’t worry about it. It’s never going to happen.

Oh, he will…on another message board meant for teachers he will be the hardest working, most selfless teacher of them all. :wink:

The procreative urge.

I also seem to be an anomaly. I have never desired children nor felt an urge to procreate.
Is it something one feels, internally? I mean, I feel an urge for chocolate, which is desire mixed with hunger - both of which seem to be urges.

I feel urges for sex, which A) feels good and B) allows me to satisfy definite desires for intimacy, closeness and bodily touching, caressing, etc. with my SO.

I really think (at least experientially) there may not be a procreative urge. So to call someone who doesn’t have what may not exist seems disingenuous at best
and a flat-out calumny and lie otherwise.

Calumny :

Yes, I’m going with calumny. As such, I likewise heartily endorse this pitting and, though I have not run across etv78 much here on the board, will view him henceforth
as a despicable, mendacious low-life who would be better served by investigating whether the French Foreign Legion is still operational.

Somewhere without internet access, preferably.

Also, per post #32:



The procreative urge certainly exists, but not for everyone. Many women have written, on this message board among other places, of what it feels like. Some have compared it to sexual desire.

If you haven’t felt it, that’s fine. But that doesn’t mean it doesn’t exist.


Women’s desire for children. Yeah, sure. You know, though, I tried looking up
“procreative urge” on Google. What I got was a bunch of angsty stuff about
men, a bunch of angsty stuff about women, some angsty stuff about writers (?)
and this thread. Weird, huh? It was almost like it might not exist.

Hence my post. However, further discussion of this would distract from the purpose
of this pitting, so I will stop here.

Yeah, I’d say thats his idea of fapping material.

I’m pretty sure that Corduroy is a bear, actually.

He lives close enough to me that if he ever does get that degree, I’m going to have to get myself elected to my town’s School Committee, just to make sure they don’t hire him. And I really hate him for that.

This whole thing is just etv doing research for trolling a message board for the consciously childless. It’s all performance art.

So he’s given up on his dream of a PhD in physics??

Tell me more about teh Asian boobs. Describe them in detail.

But we love you for it!

You still don’t get it, do you? You smug piece of shit.


I am not pissed because I am too stupid to realize that not wanting kids is not the norm. The reason you got pitted is because:

  1. You went from me saying “I don’t want kids” to accusing me of not wanting companionship or marriage. Wrong wrong wrong fucking wrong.

  2. You said that a TV show about 30-somethings hanging out together was “not for me” somehow because it involved some characters who have kids. As if me not wanting to spawn precludes my ability to enjoy any mention of children on any media. Stupid ape.

  3. This judgmental prick accusation in a haughty tone that came from a completely anti-social, child obsessed, loser psychopath that feels he has one ounce of standing to possibly judge another human being on anything, let alone their reproductive choices, of which you have none.

So don’t act all innocent and wide-eyed that someone got upset for you for “pointed out that marrying and having kids is pretty typical behavior” because that is absolutely not what you did you shithead and you know it.

To say nothing of the several pittings he’s ignored that have been due strictly to his asinine behavior on this board.