Someone made this picture to attack immigrants heading into Europe…is there any truth to it?
No. Why are you posting shit from Stormfront?
It’s not from storefront. I am trying to debunk it.
Also can you explain why it’s wrong?
Why don’t you explain why it’s right? You’re the one who posted it.
It seems that the site the OP is using uses a tool that has branded that link as “nonsense” and indeed it goes to stormfront, not willing to give them any traffic, so thank you donotlink!
I think you need a bit more meat behind whatever it is you want to debate. If it’s that there are a ton of people on the borders of the EU trying to gain asylum and being stopped (or overwhelmed) then that’s true enough. Here is a BBC article talking about some of the issues:
There are some charts and graphs in there that about where the immigrants are coming from, what’s stopping them and some of the other issues the EU is facing. Perhaps read the article or one like it, figure out what it is you actually want to debate and then come back and post some meat.
Most refugees fleeing Syria do, indeed, end up somewhere between Syria and Germany. Those that end up in Germany are a small percentage of the total, and typically have a good reason to head there (i.e. they have family or connections there, or they have skills which they have reason to believe will benefit them there).
But really, stuff from Stormfront debunks itself. It’s Stormfront. If it wasn’t bullshit they wouldn’t put it out there in the first place.
There’s obviously a fairly large influx of refugees to Europe with all the wars going on in the middle east, and there is a problem with different countries in the EU having very different policies regarding refugees. Some countries are very restrictive and others are much more liberal, this is one of the factors that leads to an imbalance in the accepting of these people.
Germany is the country that has absorbed most people by far, but it also has the biggest population in EU. Sweden is second on the list even though having a rather small population. So depending on whether you use absolute or relative numbers, those two countries are the one who are bearing the brunt of this. France and the UK who are close to Germany in size and population only absorb a fraction of the numbers.
This is leading to an upsurge for populist anti-immigration parties in these countries, and obviously a lot of nasty propaganda for the fringe extremists.
Looking at it from a refugee perspective it makes a lot of sense to skip past the nations like Turkey, Greece and Italy who all have harsh anti-refugee policies and weak economies, and instead go for more stable countries like Germany and Sweden. But for the paranoid simpletons on the fringe this is of course interpreted as some sort of “invasion” or “muslim takeover”. It’s just people fleeing a war and trying to make rational choices for themselves and their families.
The point of the graph is that immigrants are fleeing war torn countries…And ignoring other nations that aren’t war torn towards nations with good benefits…
Or towards nations where they may already have connections, and a better prospect of employment, rather than countries struggling with their own economic problems and little or no experience of absorbing either refugees or immigrants.
Actually it is not a small percentage at all, Germany has received about a third of the total number of refugees and way more than any other nation. It is a real political problem that the amount of responsibility that the different countries share is so imbalanced. Basically the top two or three nations when it comes to receiving absorb as much as the rest of the countries do together.
Here’s the stats:
Ok, well then that is incorrect. Many of the states that border the EU don’t have open immigration policies. Even some of the EU states don’t have as open of policies and set strict limits on the numbers of people able to seek asylum. A lot of the folks fleeing their various war torn states are trying to gain asylum in EU states that DO have open immigration policies (such as Germany). Many are being stopped in those border states that aren’t even allowing them to pass through. The chart you linked to ignores the reality of whether or not states allow immigration, asylum or even people to pass through in many cases, so can be dismissed as horseshit.
Was there anything else you wanted to talk about on this subject?
Thanks. Apparently Nazis think no war equals good place to settle.
So the OP - a new poster - has started three threads so far:
I dunno, if you look real hard maybe someone better than me can detect a theme.
Thanks and yeah I do.
Nazis like to blame high immigration for rape in Sweden.
Fortunately I came across this:
Interesting, but does it hold water?
I swear if accusations that I am JAQing off start…
No it does not. The reason the rape statistics are skewed is from what I understand because of the way these things are measured, as well as Sweden having a (fortunately) high rate of these crimes being reported.
When I looked into this I found out that in Sweden, if a woman is raped multiple times by a single person, that is reported as multiple rapes, and this apparently isn’t the standard internationally. Since most cases of rape happen within existing relationship (I think only like 10% are perpetrated by “strangers”) this is fairly common and would lead to a very big increase in the statistics.
Immigrants do seem to be over represented in this statistic but nowhere near to the extent that the anti-immigration populists would have us believe. It’s still problematic, and I for one am not very fond of the view of women that some of the immigrant groups have as a cultural baggage. Then again, I’m not really fond of any cultural baggage at all.
Interesting…what are the real numbers then?
So the only reason you keep bringing up what the Nazis say is that you’re desperately trying to find some way to refute those handsome devils, but it’s so hard because they’re so convincing?
Its bull, and it should be obvious that its bull.
While rates in Alaska are very high, compare with Canada, Norway, Finland, Iceland etc.
I seem to remember a debate about the notion that all the “stranger rapes” in Norway was committed by immigrants. I remember calculation that even if this was correct, immigrants in Norway would still have a lower rate of rapes than Americans.