Eutychus55 Gets Pissy

Well, up until pretty recently, the job market for Pop-Tarts was pretty limited. They’re making great strides in management now, though.

Are you out of your fucking mind?!?!? The FROSTING is what makes them GOOD!!! Pissant.

[Pop Tart hijack]
Wife accidentally got a faceful of the coloring used for the blueberry Pop Tarts’ frosting stripes and told everybody at work she was Smurfette.
[/Pop Tart hijack]

[Scotti hijack]
What brings you to the bad part of town? Slumming?
[/Scotti hijack]

I’m sorry, but I read this as “Eutypoo” and I’m afraid I’ll never think of him as anything else, ever again.

I’ve figured it out… people who prefer unfrosted Pop Tarts are genetic mutants who’s mouths produce too much saliva, and as such need the crappy, drier-than-potato-chips, no-frosting Pop Tarts to soak it all up.

If it weren’t for the crappy Pop Tarts, ladies and gentlemen, we’d all be drowning in Euty’s drool!


And it just keeps getting worse …

I go to take a shower this morning and there’s no bar soap in the house. I end up having to use a beauty bar that’s lying around and this frigging thing has oatmeal in it. Not little ground up mixed in pieces, but huge chunks!
Of Oatmeal!

GAAHH! What next, bacon bits???

I love bacon. If Pop Tarts were bacon flavored, I’d buy some. Especially if they had bacon flavored icing on them.

Euty said:

That wasn’t a beauty bar! That was breakfast!

Hey, Euty!
I have CHOCOLATE soap! I was given a bar of homemade chocolate soap for Christmas a couple of years ago, and it is languishing in the back of my bathroom cabinet. Real chocolate chips were used to make it! It really smells chocolately, with more than a hint of lye. I am afraid to use it, so I try to never run out of soap.

I can’t stand frosted brown sugar cinnamon Pop Tarts. I’d rather gnaw on a sweat sock. I don’t think I could bring myself to try the unfrosted kind; the trauma of tasting the frosted version is too fresh in my mind.

Frosted brown sugar cinnamon Pop Tarts must die.

Awwww, poor widdle Euty had to use oatmeal soap instead of his usual manly Brut-scented lye-and-steel-wool MANLY concoction. My heart is just bleeding for you.

But I bet that oatmeal soap tastes pretty good with one of your brown sugar cinnamon Pop-Tarts crumbled over top of it. :smiley:

I had chocolate smelling soap, left it out and the fucking dog ate it! Now thats something to get pissy about!
Oh feck sorry, its about pop tarts.
slinks away hopefully unoticed

I heard you were here, sweetie, and I wanted to say hi.


Mmm, a nice walk in the countryside.


Duh me. I can’t even type “D&R” correctly.

And you wanna know what REALLY pisses me off?? Okay, I could deal with The Lion King, Part 2. Didn’t mind the sequel to Pocahantas because I didn’t care for the original anyway. The Little Mermaid Part 2, yeah, okay.

But now, coming up … LADY AND THE TRAMP, PART 2???

It was bad enough that they replaced the rice pilaf with macaroni and cheese in Swanson’s Hungry Man Salisbury Steak TV Dinners, but now this?? Can’t they just leave anything alone?

The minute someone even suggests a sequel to Mary Poppins, I am so out of here.

Dammit, I am pissed now!

Pop-Tarts, oatmeal soap, and Lady and the Tramp?

Come ON, man! What’s your deal, flouncing around here like Melanie-freaking-Wilkes? Your balls are right between your legs, boy! Whip 'em out & show us what you’ve REALLY got!

[sub]plesae don’t hurt me…please don’t hurt me…please don’t hurt me…[/sub]

Give it up Euty. You are piss poor at being a dickhead.

Eutychus, come over here and I will sprinkle brown cinnamon all over you!


Sorry, the conspiracy told me to flame you. hehe heh.
What? You want the powdered sugar?:wink:

Dude, you’re a moderator?

mmmm…pop tarts…mmmmmm