Even the viruses are laughing at me (TMI, I guess)

December is speeding towards me, bringing about a dozen final exams with it. Normally, when I get stressed, a cold sore pops up on my bottom lip, adding to the fun by making me into a hideous child-scaring monster. Sure enough, yesterday, the itchy feeling started and before I knew it I was growing a second head out of my lip. Just before bed last night I went to put my deadly cream on it, and I had a closer look at my enemy in the mirror.

My friends, I saw the whites of its eyes. Like most cold sores, it has small white dots on the blisters. Last night, when inspecting the giant lump on my lip, I saw this: :slight_smile:

That’s how confident my viruses are that they’re going to win this one. They can look me right in the eye (well, lip) and grin at me. Bastards.