Even Worse Than My Love Life

I’ve noticed that there are some “reality” shows that feature people going on dates. I assume that there are folks out there in TV Land who watch these programs.

Finally! Something more pathetic than being too busy to date: wasting time watching other people date.


We already had golf. Now there are two. Or mebbe three, if we count Fishin’ for shut-ins.

I saw one of those dating shows once. What I don’t get is, all the people on the show were very attractive. They should be able to get dates without a TV show! Now, me…I need to go on a show and be chained to five men. It’s the only way I can keep em from running! :slight_smile:

Bit like over here (UK) lets see what crap there is on the TV i have but seldomly watch:

#Street mate - grabbing people off the street for dates based purely on their looks nothing else

#Blind date - where questions are scripted the dates are actually actors and the people are always model like looks

#perfect match - mother , best friend relationship psychologist choose a person from 5000 people that is an ideal match for victim , nearly always based on looks

#Farmer wants a wife 500 horny farmers meet 500 horny women
of which only the good looking farmer and good looking woman actually make any progress

#God’s gift (good thing this isn’t on anymore) women choose man based on his body and looks

crap utter crap and makes me feel like utter crap as well being as I don’t have anylooks , women won’t give me the time of day (they pull a .44 magnum on me and backaway slowly).Hmm what a shallow world we all live in eh? ,at least I can live in comfort that people who date on looks usually have their faces fade to old age.

And then there’s Dismissed, which is a big sucking black hole void of humiliation, even if you’re in the same building as a TV that has it on.

Ugh. If I wanted to watch three ugly beasts do some sort of pathetic mating dance, I’d switch to Animal Planet.

Daowajan would like to apologize for the previous reference. She’s been awake for a long time and does not mean to insult any of the many species of nonhuman animal that lives on this planet.

Except MTV viewers.