Ever bought a used musical instrument? Are you looking?

So, I found a guy on Craigslist that had a pawn shop of 30 years and he wants out. First time around, I bought about 6 boxes of cables and about 30 records for 30 bucks. In these boxes of cables were two 50’s DeArmond guitar pickups, one of which is over 100 dollars with 2 days left on eBay.

The point of the story is that he has…

  • a half dozen guitar cases
  • a nice size Crate bass amp
  • a Marshall head and cabinet
  • 1965 Sears Silvertone 1484 head
  • a Gibson Falcon II
  • some random other assorted amps
  • violin
  • resonator guitar
  • bass guitar
  • couple of trumpets
  • piccolo
  • a few flutes
  • soprano saxophone
  • a clarinet or two
  • various other instruments, maybe 3 or 4 more

…and he wants 1,000 for it. I think I can get him down to maybe 800. Should I take it? Anyone in need of any instruments?

Also, anyone have any history of buying or selling used non-guitar related instruments?

Saxes and clarinets. I have a collection of about 30. Whadya wanna know?

Seems like a good price if most of it is in decent shape.

When is the best time to sell? I’m thinking if you sold in August or something, right before school starts, you might get a better deal. But I’m not certain. Also, have any experience with selling to places like Music Go Round or any of those instrument places?

Yeah, if it’s all in good shape, it’s a hell of a deal.

Older clarinets and saxophones often have worn-out and cracked pads. Check the pads. It doesn’t necessarily mean they’re not worth buying, just that you may have to have some or all of the pads replaced.

Oh, I read the title as “. . . used medical instrument.” I would’ve been a lot more interested if I was right.

The Marshall head and cab could be worth the 800 alone.

What’s weird is that I remember it being blue, but the numbers I wrote down washed off. I seriously doubt it was a 6100, but I can’t remember any other blue Marshall head ever. It was smaller than the 6100 as well, I believe. I’m 70% positive it was a JCM 800, but I don’t think those were ever blue. Any help?

Any label or indication of provenance for the violin?

Bought a Gibson SG, and not a good one, at a pawn shop for $250 back in the 80s. Great neck, played like a dream, uglier than a snot sandwich. It had that metallic green paint that Gibson used for a while, and the top of the guitar was mostly pickguard. Plus it had DiMarzio pickups where I would have preferred PAFs or P90s. I’d kill for a nice SG right now.

I don’t know that the market for non-band instruments is that seasonal. But you might have a good thing going either just before school starts, or just after, when band kids get switched from one horn to another or told they need a better one.

Not chains, no. I dealt with squirrely NYC stores for a while, where you had to basically come in every day like an employee before they’d cut the check they owed you. I also did some deals (either cash or trade) with more reputable stores, but they really have to lowball to turn a profit on the used stuff. After that, I’ve usually kept it private.

One other thing to keep in mind is that used clarinets are a lot harder to fix than saxophones, and less worth fixing. Used flutes, even more so.

Nope, the problem is that I can’t remember most of specifics and the place is 30 minutes away. It’s 30 minutes away for the owner too, so we have to do it by appointment only. I’m trying to get a good list for best/worst case scenarios for all the items and if I think I can get a grand back on worst case scenarios, I’ll probably do such. The more things I know to look for in used instruments the better, to help haggle down the price.

Cool! A soprano sax! Beware of Doug probably has infinitely more knowledge than I do on the subject, though.

I’ve been wanting to buy a flute for a while. I would be interested in hearing about them if you end up buying the lot.

Not in normal release, but there have been various limited editions - some of which have become collectible. Bottom line is that if you have the money available, the overall deal sounds great. Silvertone amps have gone up in value quite a bit - my drummer has a couple that he uses in his studio that just sound great. They break down a bit - one needed a new transformer after a year - but they easily command a few hundred bucks or more on eBay…and Gibson amps are also appreciating as blackface Fenders climb in value - many Gibson models have very similar circuits. I don’t know the Falcon II specifically but it wouldn’t take much to find out about it.

Can you tell me about the resonator guitar? I would love to have one of those…what make is it? You are welcome to email me - my address is in my profile.

I’ve arranged a meeting for Tuesday, so I’ll find more out then. Thanks for all the responses so far, I’ll let everyone know what happens then.

If you want assurance or not about their value and salability, just check Craigslist (or EBay)again for individual items.

I would be interested in the violin, as well, and I could care less where it’s from or who made it as long as it creates sound. the woman and I have decided to try and learn to play, but it’s difficult with only one.

[aside] A buddy of mine had an old violin that was his Grandfather’s. He doesn’t play, and was going to sell it to me for $40 a few weeks back. Being a decent guy, I told him he might want to have it appraised, just in case it was worth something. Turned out, the instrument was worth over 3 grand. I still haven’t gotten the details, other than an excited voice mail thanking me over & over, and promising to buy me beer.[/aside]

I’m more of a Fender guy but a Google search for “Marshall Amp Forum” turned up a pretty good site, probably just the folks that could help you! :slight_smile: Take a digital camera with you if you go to look at them again.

Me, too!

If there’s a decent oboe in there, I would be interested.

Also, something you may want to consider is taking the non-guitar instruments to your local middle or high school. Sometimes schools will keep instruments on hand for the poorer kids who can’t afford one. They might buy them off you for a cut rate, and you could still make most or all of your money back on those alone.