Ever feel like the rest of your life will be kind of meh?

The voluntary simplicity lifestyle is an effort to have both though. People are building portable houses based on trailers that are 300 square feet or less so they can travel and have low overhead. Of course housing is just part of the cost of living. In the midwest you can get an apartment with utilities for $300/month if you don’t mind a roommate. You still have to pay for food, medical care, transportation, luxury items, etc. Another issue is where do you set up, a lot of areas have minimum housing sizes which make tiny portable houses hard to set up as permanent domiciles. Living in a camper sounds nice, but where do you park it to get a steady supply of electricity and water (as well as how do you handle the winter weather since many campers are 3 season items)? Trailer campers cost 10k and do not pay property taxes, so naturally states and cities are opposed to people living in them as permanent shelters as they need the tax revenue. But seeing how income inequality keeps getting worse and housing (as well as health care) is one of the first things people are going to have to change their living standards about, these are questions that need to be answered sooner or later.

With the economy the way it is, it is hard to leave a job once you find one. Supposedly one of the reasons the hippy culture took off in the 60s was that was the first generation who had easy access to high paying jobs. Because of that people could drop out of society for a few years and engage in self discovery. If they got bored, the factory was always hiring. Before that period most jobs either didn’t pay enough or were hard to find. We are moving back to that situation, and it can be hard to give up a semi-good job when someone finds one after years of searching and building their resume.

I feel that way all the time, I wonder how common it is.

I think the difference between “meh” and “whee” for me is entirely my attitude. I’ll have a day that is meh and a day that is awesome and, objectively, they are identical.

I’m not sure I have a point. Or if I do, it might be “meh.” But tomorrow it may be awesome! :smiley:

I mean this with all due respect, and appreciate everyone sharing. If it works for you that’s wonderful and don’t change a thing; but when people say this sort of thing to me all I think of is sparkle motion.

You healthy, happy, optimistic people all make me sick.

I have no idea what that means.

Sparkle Motion was the name of the kids dance troupe in Donnie Darko, but I’m not sure if that helps clarify anything.

Not really.

But not to worry. Given “with all due respect” is right up there with “not to be racist but” for phrases that are never followed by anything good, I know I was getting a blow off.

It’s from “Donnie Darko”. Before I saw that movie if people would tell me about adopting a certain attitude to effect your mood I would think of maybe Tony Robbins, after seeing that movie I think of sparkle motion. I think if taken the wrong way it could come across as dismissive, but I’m not intending it to be that way. I actually like cheerful upbeat people; it’s just not one of those things that works for me in particular.

I wasn’t offering it to work for you. I didn’t realize that we were limited to saying things that we thought would work for you. I was answering the question posed in the OP’s title.

I’m having trouble expressing myself properly in response to your post. I’ll try again. I know people who really are able, with a change in attitude to really change how they feel. I’m just saying that for me that doesn’t work, how I look at things doesn’t really effect how I feel, something rings hollow. What you wrote is perfectly fine, I was trying to say how things are different for me without sounding disagreeable. Sometimes I have trouble finding better phrases than"with all due respect," but when I say it I mean it literally.

I like sparkles! Just… not on my clothing. Or my car. Or… well, I guess really what I like is fireworks.

Is sparkle motion the same as Brownian? Sparkle sounds so much shinier.

Oh, I see it’s been explained. Well, I still think sparkle motion sounds pretty.

I’ve never felt that my life was going to be “meh”, but then, my goals are a lot lower than yours. One of the “problems” some people would say I have professionally is that I don’t care about money once certain needs are covered: anything beyond that is a plus. I’d rather negotiate better hours than a higher rate; I’d rather get my happiness now than expect it from the future. Then again, I happen to work in a field where you can negotiate better hours or higher rates, assuming the other side is open to it…

I didn’t say anything about being in conscious control over it. I just said that the same events will strike me differently depending on my attitude.

One of my mottos in life: " It could always be worse"

If you want to feel better about your life, trying becoming a penpal with a prison inmate who is serving a long sentence. That will make you appreciate the simple things like, for example, just having the freedom to go where you want or socialize with who you want. Life isn’t really that bad for most of us who are lucky enough to live in a first world country. Life for older people in countries with less advanced healthcare is far more depressing.

I was misinterpreting what you were writing. You said you weren’t sure if you had a point, I was just writing what I thought - what your writing made me think of. I was seeing it as more along the lines of what lavenderviolet is talking about. But that was the complete wrong way to look at it, I can see that now.

Do you remember Donny Hathaway? He was a jazz/soul/gospel musician who had a bright future before him. Donny and I were born on exactly the same day, but he took his own life at the age of 33. I can’t help thinking about all I would have missed, if my life had ended at the age of 33. The bottom line is this: pretty much the best things in my life happened after that age. If I had taken my own life at that time, if I had thought I’d have nothing more to live for, I would have missed out on so much that I couldn’t even have imagined at that age.

Unfortunately, there’s a point where you have to realize that you’re never going to be an astronaut, itinerant con-man, or whatever other ambitious thing you have in mind, and settle for being mundane and mediocre. I’m sure you’ve heard the usual advice that, “Oh, you can be happy if you just want to be happy!” or, “Being happy is better than being successful!” or, “It could be worse, so you should be happy and grateful for what you do have!” It’s total nonsense, of course. In fairness, I think most people can be content with having a pointless and unfulfilling job as long as they have some sort of convenient side hobby. If that doesn’t apply to you, though, you’re pretty much screwed.

I have to wonder how the astronauts, millionaires and superstars out there feel when they hit middle age, though. Do they constantly walk around with a feeling that “OMG, my life is amazing”, or do they get hit with the same ennui as the rest of us?

At 35, 40 or 50 your life is most likely a hell of a lot better than when you were in your teens or your 20s. Materially, you’re doing great. You have money. You have a hell of a lot less stress in your life. You’re safe. You’re probably in a stable relationship.

You’re most likely a better person. You know a lot more about the world. You don’t have those emotional highs and lows. You make better decisions.

Still, at least in my case, things just seemed more real when I was younger. I sure as hell wasn’t rich, famous or an astronaut back then any more than I am now. On the contrary. At 20, I was dead broke and didn’t know jack about anything. Still, life felt intense, like an adventure. Food tasted better. Things mattered.

Now, it’s like I’ve just gone around the Sun too many times. I know what happens now. I don’t care much anymore.

For instance, right now I have some time off and some cash to spend, so I though I might go on holiday. Then I realized that there’s no where in particular I want to go. I might as well stay home. Sure, the weather is crap here at the moment, but it’ll probably improve in a few weeks. And if it doesn’t, well, it’s not really that important. There’s always next year, I’ll sort it out then. Only I probably won’t care much then, either.

Give my 20 year old self the life I have now, and I think he’d be pretty exited about it. He would be kicking my middle-aged self in the ass, telling me to wake up and, for FFS, *live *a little. I sure as hell don’t appreciate what I already have these days, or make the most of it, or care much either way. Would that be any different if I was Johnny Depp? If I woke up next to Amber Heard every morning, would I feel great about it, or would it be just, whatever, another day of this?

Yeah, it’s not depression. I don’t feel sad. Mostly, I feel pretty good. It’s just that sense of “meh”.

I think I’m going through that now. I think it’s healthy. After years of a hard scrabble paycheck to paycheck existence, money is mostly a non-issue for me. Really I think living in the DC region is kind of interesting for someone in my position, with my particular sentiments - there are not a whole lot of moderate types I run into here. The people I meet seem to be one sort of extreme or another, and the rest are actively trying to move far away as soon as they can.

Just wait. Soon enough, people you know will begin dying at close intervals and you will develop some health problems associated with aging. In the last 6 months, I buried a parent and several close friends, saw my other parent through a severe illness, and then went ahead and had a stroke, myself…and I’m only 52. Yeah, I will definitely settle for meh.