Ever Had a Drink Thrown in Your Face?

I haven’t. And having never witnessed the same, got to thinking that this is one of those things that happens in the movies much more often than in real life.

But- to be sure, one must first turn to the Dopers whose real life experiences run the gamut of mundane to whacky to other-worldly.

So the question: have you ever had a drink flung in your face? what prompted the incident and what did you do afterwards?

No, but I flung one once. I felt insulted by a guy I knew, I was drunk as hell, and I THOUGHT I was throwing the drink in his face. However, the drunk part meant that I didn’t have a good grip on the glass, and it flew into his face too. Not good. :eek:

I had a Big Gulp of Diet Coke thrown on me by the ex-wife as we drove to meet a friend for dinner. Does that count?

a good friend of mine (who’s a total bitch but I love her for it cause she’ (almost) never a bitch to me) threw a drink in a guy’s face one time. He was being a racist, chauvenistic asshole, and she’s a feminist. He made some remark, I don’t remember what, that had most of us at the table dropping our jaws and she just threw the drink in his face, then demanded he buy her another one for making her waste it. It was pretty awesome (I don’t think he bought the drink, though)

I had a glass of Beep breakfast drink, which is a vile fruit juice, thrown in my face at a party one night by a young woman who was pretending that she was pregnant with my then-fiance’s child (hence drinking Beep and not beer like the rest of us – it was a post Fly-Ex party). She was hoping that this revelation would encourage my then-fiance to put the engagement ring on her finger instead of mine. Knowing her well, however, we were not so easily fooled. Her father later confirmed to my now-husband that she was not, nor had she ever been to that date, pregnant.

The exchange went like this:

A peer was admiring my new ring and congratulating us. She walked up with her glass of Beep and threw it all splashily in my face. The crowd gasped and hushed. She pointed at my then-fiance and shrilled:

“How would you like it if you were pregnant with his child?”

Beep dripped from my long blonde hair all over my beloved Wyland Punk Dolphin sweatshirt, leaving numerous red stains that were a bitch to get out. I wiped my mouth before answering.

“I’m looking forward to it.”

She glared and stomped away, someone handed me a towel, and life went on. She was one bad borderline.

Yeah, one time.

A friend did it. Just because the night before his wedding we got him down and painted his balls blue.

Some people just can’t take a joke.

Yes, my ex wife (way back when before we were married)

I probably deserved it. Unfortunately, lots of people saw it.

Sure, once. I had broken it off with someone, but ran into her getting off the bus a couple weeks after that. She invited me to dinner – just to “chat”…as friends. Hesitant as I was (the last time I saw her, she was screaming “You owe me!” and throwing things), I agreed. See, she was nice and fun most of the time…when she wasn’t acting like a psycho. :smack:

So, we grab some seats, order, and chat. Once our food comes, she starts in, saying she doesn’t understand why we can’t continue seeing each other. 'Round and 'round we go…she just won’t accept that I don’t want to date her. Halfway through the meal:

Her: Well, can’t we at least sleep together sometimes?
Me: Gah! Not unless you just want to be my fuck-toy!

I guess it wasn’t the right thing to say, as in one smooth motion, she grabbed the water glass and launched its contents in my face. I sat in stunned silence for a few seconds, then got up, listened to her apologies, calmly said goodbye, and left.

Never did see her again. Oh, well…

My long-ago ex threw a pint of water over my head, about six months after I finished with her. I [del]probably[/del] definitely deserved it.

No I haven’t experienced that nor have I seen someone so enraged by a phone call that they throw the phone against a wall, nor have I seen a smoker suddenly realise they need to be somewhere else and throw away their just lit cigarette, nor have I seen anyone ever pick up a shot glass of whiskey and just throw it back. I have however picked my front door lock with a credit card.

A friend of mine got fired from Pizza Hut for pouring a pitcher of beer on a guy.

Her husband was in Vietnam at the time and the guy–who knew her–was hitting on her and dissing American soldiers, in general, and her husband, in particular.

No one who knew her thought she was overreacting or out of line in any way, including her boss, who fired her anyway.

As a bartender you would think I’d have a story about specifically at least witnessing this movie-favorite event.

But while I can recall seeing drinks thrown AT people, nobody I’ve seen has ever actually done the Hollywood “throw liquid from a glass” into someone’s face.

My personal favorite was this insane woman who threw a Colorado Bulldog at her boyfriend…he side-stepped out of the way and it bounced off his back onto the pool table.

Have you ever tried cleaning vodka, Kahlua, cream and Coke out of pool-table felt?

I have.

I’m still kind of mad about it.

I was waitressing at a pretty rough joint back in the day. It was St. Patrick’s day and we were serving green beers in plastic cups. One of my customers insisted that he get his in a mug, which the bartender wouldn’t do. So he dumped his green beer over my head.

I was playing one of those touchscreen trivia machines at a bar when the girls next to me got into a catfight. One girl flung her drink at the other’s face, but missed, getting me in the side of the face instead.

Not sure what she was drinking, but it burned when it got in my eye. Not enough to get me to quit playing my game, though.

Errr, twice actually. Both at university.

Once by a girl with a cocktail. It stung like crazy. She stormed off and I couldn’t even figure out what I’d done or said wrong. I later found she had a huge crush on me. I wish I’d known (I’m pretty dense like that) as she was cute and I was going through a long dry patch.

Second time was by a (still) good friend. His little sister was visiting and we were pretending he didn’t smoke. Someone else gave the game away and I tried to make a joke of it. My mate got angry and poured a pint over my head. As I was in a cast at the time I couldn’t really react. He admits now that he was an arse.

Once, by a very drunk friend who decided that I was flirting with the guy she had her eye on. I wasn’t. But she was very insecure, and too drunk to know the difference, so I got a drink in the face. No glass, just a face full of drink, leaving me dripping, confused, and mad. At least she didn’t hit me or throw a chair, and even if she’d thrown the glass at me it wouldn’t have been a big deal, since it was a club and drinks were in tiny plastic cups. The worst part was that I was wearing a gorgeous white top and she hit me with vodka-cranberry.

May 1, 2008, the day my Mom died. My younger brother, who doesn’t handle emotional stress well, downed five martinis in about an hour and a half, then went off on a bizarre screaming rant in which he accused me of doing everything but starting the Chicago Fire. This lasted a full 45 minutes, and culminated in me getting a face full of martini #6. My mistake was sticking around to try and rationally talk him down; I should have just left as soon as he started getting belligerent.

The next morning, after I expressed some coolness to his apology, he made some kind of crack about having wasted a good drink. Nice.

It’s never happened to me or anybody in the places I’ve been. I’ve seen fights though, and usually it’s two women.

Only by accident - as is my wont, I was tripping over some invisible piece of dust, and she slipped off her bar stool at the same time. It was kind of a Reece’s “You got your Guiness in my Boulevard/You got your Boulevard in my Guiness” kind of moment.

Yeah, 5th grade. I don’t remember any of the circumstances around it-- except that she didn’t get in trouble, which means I probably deserved it.