I don’t know the name of the song. But when I was at university (15+ yrs ago) I had roomates from the Bahamas. They used to sing this song to us a lot and it always made us laugh. They were a lot of fun to go to parties and stuff with as well.
It’s a song about a boy who goes to tell his Dad he wants to marry this girl. But the Dad says, ‘You can’t marry this girl, I’m her father but your mother doesn’t know.’ Of course the boy struggles with this dilema, finally telling his mother. Who says, ‘Don’t worry, your father’s not your father but your father doesn’t know.’
Or some such. I swear I’m not making this up. I was hoping someone else migh have heard of it.
Wisdom is the boobie prize,they give you when you’ve been --unwise!
The song is based on an old, old joke, i.e. a musical adaptation of a joke that has been around for decades, if not centuries, and I would gues on more than one continent.
Hey, you guys;
You guys rule.
First I can’t believe ANYONE knew this song.
It was 'Shame and Scandal,'and I can hear them singing it now. I loved it.
I lived with all foreign students when I was at the university, many from the Islands.I remember the parties they threw the most, the music and the food. I grew a lot with these people, they even took me to see this guy I’d never really heard of before, we went to see him live, I still have the ticket stub. It was Bob Marley. It was great, they were great and those were wonderful times that I’d forgotten all about.
Thanks again you guys, I really thought I had a stumper there.
Wisdom is the boobie prize,they give you when you’ve been --unwise!