I already have a doctor appointment, but it’s not for another couple of weeks. My partner wants me to go to the ER, but I’m trying not to panic.
This is something I didn’t notice until recently, when I saw my reflection in profile. Other people have noticed it too, but explained it as aging (I’m 68) or osteoporosis or bad posture.
There’s a mass on the back of my neck, from the mid-neck to the line of my shoulders. It’s about 4-5 inches in diameter. It’s not as soft as fat, about the feel of a muscle that’s not flexed. There’s no pain, but it’s somewhat pinkish compared to the rest of me. For the most part I’m unaware of it, except when I try to raise my head. From poking around online it seems to be a lipoma, except for its size.
Strangely, one of my cats had something similar in the same location. I had it removed, several times, until a new vet convinced me to leave it alone. It reached a certain size and stopped growing.
Possibly a fatty lipoma, from the description of the density. I had one on my left shoulder for several years, which I probably got from holding my phone handset between my ear and shoulder during most of my working hours, and when I stopped doing that it went away after awhile.
However, that location seems unlikely to me, and also I am not a doctor.
Fatty lipomas are benign, by the way.
eta: here is a link to an article that says they are, in fact, often on the back.
Yes, my mom (67 yo) has one on the nape of her neck. It’s not really noticeable unless her hair is up and she’s turned a certain way. It doesn’t bother her. Her doctor recommends no action at this point.
The lipoma which got removed from my brother’s back “since anyway we’re putting you under” for other surgery was further down, but it did fit the general description. It was almost as big as the palm of my hand.