"EASY’ZZZ’ $10,600! Cash Research! Sleep, Beer, & Smoke/Non-Smokers. All Welcome. Pvt Info: 274-4960 MoneyUSA.Org"
These ads run all the time on the back page of a local rag. Has anyone ever called or visited the site , and ordered the book? If so, did you qualify for and make any money from the studies?
My mother always said, “If it seems to good to be true, it probably is.”
Oh come on…NO ONE has anything to share?
Not even a li’l bit?
dude… I was about to say “sign me UP!” Then I read the website… if they tel you “It is like gettin money for nothing!”… you can rest assurred that it is most assueredly NOT like getting money for nothing!.. that reads a lot like “Hell, it’s only ONE kidney! You GOT a spare!”
I am dying to see a response from someone with experience with this thing…
Your mother incorrectly added the word “probably.”