Everybody needs a 303

After scouring the net for info, I haven’t really found what I’m looking for. I’d like to know what a 303 (or its sisters 101 and 202) would allow me to do. Do they have stellar drum banks and great deep bass instruments? My current setup involves a computer with MIDI sequencer (well, notation program’s more like it) and an Alesis 88 key keyboard. Plenty of instruments, but not much in terms of filtering and synth-y type stuff. I saw a show on ZDTV - oops, I mean TechTV - that showed some drum machine, and I’m hoping a 303’s not like that, where it gives you the basic beats and you just change stuff. I like making the beats from scratch. Problem is, I have basically one drum set appropriate for techno.

And how exactly do these things work? Do you play a MIDI through it? Or do you record it on the board and then tell it to loop, and do that with each instrument, layering ad infinitum? I’ve gotten the impression that one can create basically professional quality music with these things, given the proper vision and skill. Fatboy Slim has a song, “Everybody Needs a 303.” Is that true?

(You can check my MP3.com page to see what I’m capable of with my ghetto setup.)

I’m sure someone knows what the hell you are talking about, but it’s not me.

I believe he is talking about a Transistor Bass-303, which along with a Transistor Rhythm-606 Drumatix, gives you an entire drum and bass section at your fingertips. Hey, Skwerl, try this site as an aid for your search.

Hey mods and admins, I got a question: If you are an artist, a true artist, are you allowed to plug your wares and web sites?

I was thinking I needed something this morning when I was chasing a squirrel out of the rafters. A .303 Enfield would have been overkill and totally inappropriate in the suburbs. I’ll probably go with a pump-action pellet gun, although a .410 shotgun might be better. As my wife said, “But you can’t shoot!”

“Okay, I’ll flush him and YOU shoot him, then.”

Oh oh, I have a feeling that this will turn into a “Klaatu” thread.

You might want to check out the Free Pro tools download as well. Fantastic program- http://www.digidesign.com/flashnav/index.html

Skwerl, I took your bait and listened to one of your tracks. Your’re right, it does sound like you were playing with a garbage cans and stretched rubber bands. Actually, you are not that bad. But still, you can benefit from a 303.

Fatboy Slim does have a track called Everybody Needs A 303. It’s on his first album, Better Living Through Chemistry.