(Old) Everybody's hiding under a rock in the MMP

Mornin’ all. It’s 930 on a lazy morning as I start driveling. Been sitting on the patio since I got up at 730. Some happy low clouds, some cirrus, a light breeze, NWS sez 77/25 now on the way to 83/28. Might be nice beach weather in a bit if the clouds ease up. Caffinatin’ is just about over, feedin’ next.

Among other errands yesterday I picked up my snazzy Virgin Scarlet Night red tux from the tailor. So I’ll be fully ready for the cruise in 2+ weeks. I’m sure there’ll be pix then.

There’s a big difference between professional secrecy that is laudable and necessary versus secrecy demanded for intra-family or intra-friends stuff that is usually a poisoned chalice offered in bad faith and/or the pursuit of gratuitous drama.

I can certainly do the former and have. It’s the latter I opt out of. Not for the “secret” part, but for the “poisoned” and “drama” parts.

Hope you’re feeling better already. Both as to secret angst but much more importantly as to COVID.

Like the Snickers (?) ad had it, they only work if you drink them. Three on the table = dehydration. Three in your (touchy) stomach might equal hydration.

I’ve always been an aggressive hydrator. Somehow that fell by the wayside over the last few months and now I’m always behind. Confusing.

FCM: Hooray for Roxy the Junior Engineer. And for MIL’s apparent improvement. Don’t get too attached to the idea she’s got a real new lease on life. She could be back in the slammer tomorrow.

Fast-moving thread here:

Early reports are total electrical failure about a minute before impact. Which led to loss of steering and the ship’s track drifted to the side and hit one of the towers square on. The bridge didn’t stand a chance.

As to me …

Got solo dinner late last evening at a local burger stand. 2 patties, jalapeno cheddar, sliced pickled jalapenos, hot sauce, grilled onions, lettuce, & tomatoes. Skip the bun, eat some of their well-done FFs instead. Scruffy but yummy. Stayed up a bit late to let that settle, then slept in a bit to compensate so overall well rested.

Some moronic Amazon driver has now tried to deliver a package to my PO box store after hours twice now. Once at 8pm on Sat (they close at 3) and once at 7pm on Mon (they close at 5). All that info is available in my standing delivery instructions.

However it’s not evident to me that Amazon offers their delivery workers’ website / app in any language other than English, and very few drivers here have that as their first language, and many apparently can’t (or won’t) read English at all. Of course Amazon provides no feedback mechanism that is useful to report these failures in an actionable way.

The clouds are thickening, so beaching is smelling increasingly implausible for the next 3-4 hours at least.

When my pal moves to DFW he’s going to gift me his e-bike, so that’s a purchase I won’t need to immediately make when I move out from the free e-bikes here at the house. His bike would be a bear to move to DFW given his other slef-imposed limitations on that effort and he’s excited to get a fancy new one for use there, so from his POV this one locally is fully depreciated overage. I’ll give him some of my now unused pilot gear in exchange, so we’ll both be happier for the trade.

Not much more to say, so I’ll shut up for a change.

Cheers all!!