(Old) Everybody's hiding under a rock in the MMP

Typically you can rap on them and single pane sound old-fashioned and flimsy, while double-paned are stiffer and more “solid” sounding. The structure of the window frames, and especially of the sliding side, are usually obviously different where you can try to look between what you hope are the two panes and see a silver mini-perforated strip running the circumference of the window. If that’s not obvious, they’re almost certainly single pane.

Windows are replaceable. Gets spendy, but if that’s the sole flaw in one house vs. another, it’s pretty simple to rectify.

Good luck!

And hooray for a pre-arranged and acceptable motel.

Me, too! { adds to eatin’ list }

So, the parental call ensued.

Just when I think I know these people … they ask what I’d like to do.
After the usual platitudes, my mother drops a bombshell (HA!) that it’d be “fun” for my dad to HOME BLEACH HIGHLIGHT MY HAIR cuz he’s been doing it for years for her, and she gets ALL THESE COMPLIMENTS.

I will not speak ill of my mother’s appearance here, but it’s … I mean, I did a double-take the last time I saw her.

If what’s left of my hair looked like hers, I’d buzz that shit off and hope to hell I can pull off a Sinead O’Connor in the 90s look. (And I very highly doubt I could.)

BUT WAIT! It occurred to me: I’ve wanted “true” blue streaks (not just the washed-out shit that fades to a muted green if you don’t bleach 1st) so … win-win.
Either my parents respect my autonomy around my own body and especially the hair on my own head … or I go turquoise like some rebellious adolescent.

… shit, I kinda want the blue hair now.

Evening all. A lot of the day was spent at the computer doing soccer team organization. The number of folks that ‘oh, BTW I want this coach or this teammate for my daughter’ after we’d worked for 5-6 hours getting teams set up is…annoying. And since I did send the teams to the coaches and they’ve contacted the parents in most cases, I have to clear any changes with the parents, and they have questions. Add to that we apparently had a Head Coach volunteer that signed up for the wrong group and we didn’t know anything about it until today, she never contacted anyone to ask why she wasn’t being assigned. so yeah, a bit frustrated. I did escape to do 0.75 miles of swimming and had my first session with my soccer team (8 our of 10 made it and we had some fun), but now I am listening to the wind howling and storms are due sometime after midnight. And Mickey D’s charged me for a Double Quarter Pounder (which I wanted) and I only got a regular Quarter Pounder (which is probably better for me). So a long and somewhat frustrating day. At least I got the dishwasher service scheduled for Wednesday.

Now to catch up with all y’all (rolls up sleeves).

{{{nellie}}}, glad you had some family time amidst the illness. And you are one of the least selfish people I know.

Coppertone, hole the new new job works out for you. And enjoy Easter Dinner.

wet one, enjoy the voyage home.

Flyboy, trust uncle was sent off with dignity and reverence and the drive wasn’t too bad…

FCM, nice thinking with the ramp and glad MIL could be of some assistance at Aldi. And lovely picture,

Pilot, sorry your friend is moving on, I guess Miami and DFW would be the major hubs for pilots (with maybe ORD and CLT as options). Hope friend and his GF can work it out so nobody gets bruised.

boo fae, glad you didn’t get too lost.

shoe, Mom problems are always the worst. Getting her out of your life, as Pilot suggests, should be given serious consideration.

sticky buns, trust your hunger was assuaged.

JtC, glad you made it safely across 3/4 of the country. Take a look at all the places, the 7th or 8th one may just exceed all expectations.

red, Great news on the car.

Hugs, laughs and tears for anyone I didn’t get to, in whatever proportions you require. Need to go peek at my e-mail again and see what fresh conundrum awaits me. Take care all.

The back of my hair, underneath is purple! It had more highlights up front mingling nicely with my gray hair, but I just let that fade and renewed the back.

See below. lol

Yes, we stopped and ran through the drive thru at Arby’s! We did not try the new sandwiches, but they did look interesting. Now it’s just about time to go and pickup MusicMan from work. I am going in for a few things, so I have to decide which crazy hat to wear! I believe that I’ve worn all of the hats on the first floor, so I may have to go searching upstairs. Last I wore a unicorn horn. Before that, a giant flower on my head, hmmm… somewhere before that I wore Mickey Mouse Ears and some purple Pom poms. I just realized that I made a shark fin and it’s in the dining room. Maybe I’ll wear it, but I need to figure out quickly how to make it more comfortable because I was just being silly when I threw it together and had it tied around my head with wire. We shall see.

I can recommend aqua crush and turquoise reef by splat.

I napped. I had an Old fashioned, mushroom Swiss burger, and fries. Watching yesterday’s F1 race. I am insane with joy.

I’m planning on being immortal till I die.

Char-Grill is better.

Short, to-the-point, military ceremony. One of the sailors looked so young, I thought she might be a Sea Cadet. Bugle, flag, three 3-gun rifle volley, and bosun’s pipe.

On mulling over this week’s MMP title, it occurs to me it must be a very large rock. What a fun place to live, though!

I decided I don’t have enough energy to shower, so yesterday’s will have to stretch until tomorrow. Coughing up a lung really takes it out of a gal.

That’s very sensible. I have a friend who says, “Don’t tell me any secrets. I can’t keep my damned mouth shut.” :slight_smile: Not quite the same thing, but the same laudatory candor. I, however, will be taking a fair number of other people’s secrets to the grave because my careers have required strict confidentiality, and I’ve never quite let that go. Luckily, I’m not someone who is tempted to spill tea. This recent revelation had me wishing I could talk to someone who’d gone through something similar, but I think I’m past that.

My mother had no sense of direction. She’d also ask anyone passing by for directions. Once when I was driving us to the marina to see my cousin’s boat, she called out to a guy weaving his way down the sidewalk while guzzling something in a brown paper bag. Need I say that his directions included streets that did not exist and landmarks that were vestiges from some long ago acid trip? I definitely think you should promote yourself to Chief Navigator, BooFae.

Possibly, but it’s a long trip from Michigan, so I shall smack myself.

Thank you. I thought it sounded a little like, “My cousin has the bubonic plague! Why does everything bad have to happen to meeee?”

For a second, I thought we were still talking about Monkey. No judgement!

Maybe tell her in advance that your friend is making you Polish dishes. :wink:

Aw. That’s too bad. Girls couldn’t wear pants to church when I was a kid, but I was happy to wear a dress (and gloves, a new hat, and a tiny handbag) because I hated our school uniform so much.

FCM, what a cutie you were, and I definitely recognize the outfits. Your brother looks so proud of his snazzy suit and hat!

Now I want a reuben. That’s OK, though. If I had one, I wouldn’t want it by the time I got a plate. My stomach seems to have dementia. dementia.

I’m so sorry.

I know that when I’m about to fall asleep tonight, I’ll think, “BLOBKA” and get the giggles. Too funny! I love the lamb butter mold, too.

If it makes you feel any better, it has a very different meaning in Italy.

Can’t you get a bald cap and shock 'em into thinking there’s nothing left to bleach? Get the true blue hair after they leave.

Up, caffeinated, and sheveled. Off to heave.

{{{{nellie}}, Hope the 'rona goes away quick.

It appears I will be well hydrated. My stomach and I are at odds this morning, so I haven’t grabbed any breakfast yet. What I do have, though, are 3 beverages sitting next to me. I grabbed two this morning and forgot about the other one already here. I am up and currently just chilling with Annie on my lap.

As if I don’t have enough $#!+ to deal with, Higgs appears to be afraid of the ramp!! We even put an old rug on it so her delicate tootsies wouldn’t have to touch cold aluminum, but, nooooooooo, she won’t go! And catching her when she doesn’t want to be caught… OMG, I don’t need this!!! Idiot dog.

Roxy is coming over today to have some Grandpa-time in the shop. The girl apparently likes tools, and from basement playtime, I know she likes to build. So she’s going to help him make some parts for our boat. She has inherited the engineering genes! YAY!!

And it appears regular balanced meals and taking meds on schedule are working wonders for MIL. That, and she’s more aware of her physical reactions to things like standing. Apart from the ER scare the other day, she’s been as close to normal as one can expect from someone her age. I no longer feel compelled to jump up and follow her every time she gets out of her chair.

So at this point, my worry is dementia. Her two older sisters lived into their mid-90s and both were pretty much out of it at the end. FCD had a really rough time dealing with his dad in that state… But we’ll just have to see how it goes.

In other news, I ran out of rice last night. We had enough for supper, so that’s good. But at the start of the pandemic when everything was in short supply, I bought a 10# bag of long grain white rice. That’s what we just finished. Yeah, we don’t eat a whole lot of rice. And, of course, I wasn’t aware our supply was nearly gone when we were at Aldi. Dammit.

Why is life being so mean to me??

Happy Tuesday anyway… :stuck_out_tongue:

Good morning.

It’s 46 degrees Fahrenheit and cloudy outside. The day will remain cloudy with a few showers, and the high temperature is expected to be 55 degrees Fahrenheit.

nellie, I’m sorry you caught the 'rona, and I hope you’re feeling much better by the time you read this. It’s nice that you had some family time, though.

As a kid, I, too, had to dress up for Easter, but not church. My mom wasn’t big on church after her divorce. As a real little girl, I had the whole dress and white gloves thing (the sixties/early seventies), but by the time we hit the mid-seventies, I had graduated to linen or Calcutta slacks and blouses or peasant dresses.

I’ve read but retained little. Sorry. I even tried to keep up via my phone yesterday during a short break at my office, but I couldn’t concentrate because I was trying to devise a solution to a problem at work.

So, I send you all my hugs, says, and boos as appropriate.

Yesterday, the usual breakneck speed at the office prevailed. I managed to be productive, solve some problems, attend Teams meetings, knock out some mandatory training, and pack some boxes for shipment to HR.

I’m super annoyed. I ordered Easter baskets for the grandkids over the weekend, and they were supposed to be delivered by tomorrow. Last night, I received notification that they won’t be delivered until Monday after Easter. It just irritates the piss out of me…

It’s my fault, I guess, because I lost track of when Easter is to occur, but damn it, every time UPS is a carrier, delivery is late.

FCM, I’m glad things with MiL seem to be going more smoothly.

Okily, dokily, time for me to clean up the kitchen and then head upstairs to work.

Good Mornin’ Y’all! Up and caffeinatin’. YAWN ‘Tis 62 Amurrkin out and cloudy with a predicted high of 73 with rain expected around three p.m. Today is laundry day. Be still my beatin’ heart. We are also goin’ to tackle the yahd irk today. Yes we shall. That will make nappage all the sweeter but cut down on sloth time. Sup shall be my world famous Eyetalian chikin, peas 'n carrots, wild (as opposed to well behaved?) rice, and rolls. Simple, but good.

Now I need more caffeine and to feed rumbly tummy. Then, onward into the day! Rah.

Happy Tuesday Y’all!

It actually tasted fine, but it leaked out of the bottom of the pan and made a huge scorched mess in the bottom of the oven. What managed to stay in the pan was a misshapen lump.

I know this bridge… well, knew it…

The captain must have been drunk or asleep to have that happen.

After a night of mostly drizzly weather, we’re getting some serious snow coming down this morning. The business commute is moving at a snail’s pace and I would imagine the pavement is more like an ice rink at this point. Well, I know what I’m going to do: make cornmeal pancakes for breakfast and watch all the little people struggle to get to work.

Reports are of mechanical failure - we’ll see as the investigation continues. I’ve driven over that bridge only once, but gone under it many times, both in cruise ships and our personal boats. It’s disastrous on so many levels…


I’m trying to work on taxes today. I had to take a break. I decided to take a break and I called to make an appointment with the Ortho doc and they have an appointment today at 2:05! This is great, except that they’re about 40 minutes away and I also have to get MusicMan to work which starts at 2 and is 5 minutes away. Taking an Uber right now is about $7. Reserving an Uber for this afternoon is $45. But the thing is, there’s only like 1 or 2 Uber drivers around here. What to do…?

He hasn’t come downstairs yet, so I’m not sure how we’re going to handle this. I don’t want to ambush him as soon as he comes down the stairs, but I want to figure it out soon.

Taters, I’m trying to think of a clever plot for you on why the baskets were late. If it comes to me, I’ll let you know!

Mornin’ all. It’s 930 on a lazy morning as I start driveling. Been sitting on the patio since I got up at 730. Some happy low clouds, some cirrus, a light breeze, NWS sez 77/25 now on the way to 83/28. Might be nice beach weather in a bit if the clouds ease up. Caffinatin’ is just about over, feedin’ next.

Among other errands yesterday I picked up my snazzy Virgin Scarlet Night red tux from the tailor. So I’ll be fully ready for the cruise in 2+ weeks. I’m sure there’ll be pix then.

There’s a big difference between professional secrecy that is laudable and necessary versus secrecy demanded for intra-family or intra-friends stuff that is usually a poisoned chalice offered in bad faith and/or the pursuit of gratuitous drama.

I can certainly do the former and have. It’s the latter I opt out of. Not for the “secret” part, but for the “poisoned” and “drama” parts.

Hope you’re feeling better already. Both as to secret angst but much more importantly as to COVID.

Like the Snickers (?) ad had it, they only work if you drink them. Three on the table = dehydration. Three in your (touchy) stomach might equal hydration.

I’ve always been an aggressive hydrator. Somehow that fell by the wayside over the last few months and now I’m always behind. Confusing.

FCM: Hooray for Roxy the Junior Engineer. And for MIL’s apparent improvement. Don’t get too attached to the idea she’s got a real new lease on life. She could be back in the slammer tomorrow.

Fast-moving thread here:

Early reports are total electrical failure about a minute before impact. Which led to loss of steering and the ship’s track drifted to the side and hit one of the towers square on. The bridge didn’t stand a chance.

As to me …

Got solo dinner late last evening at a local burger stand. 2 patties, jalapeno cheddar, sliced pickled jalapenos, hot sauce, grilled onions, lettuce, & tomatoes. Skip the bun, eat some of their well-done FFs instead. Scruffy but yummy. Stayed up a bit late to let that settle, then slept in a bit to compensate so overall well rested.

Some moronic Amazon driver has now tried to deliver a package to my PO box store after hours twice now. Once at 8pm on Sat (they close at 3) and once at 7pm on Mon (they close at 5). All that info is available in my standing delivery instructions.

However it’s not evident to me that Amazon offers their delivery workers’ website / app in any language other than English, and very few drivers here have that as their first language, and many apparently can’t (or won’t) read English at all. Of course Amazon provides no feedback mechanism that is useful to report these failures in an actionable way.

The clouds are thickening, so beaching is smelling increasingly implausible for the next 3-4 hours at least.

When my pal moves to DFW he’s going to gift me his e-bike, so that’s a purchase I won’t need to immediately make when I move out from the free e-bikes here at the house. His bike would be a bear to move to DFW given his other slef-imposed limitations on that effort and he’s excited to get a fancy new one for use there, so from his POV this one locally is fully depreciated overage. I’ll give him some of my now unused pilot gear in exchange, so we’ll both be happier for the trade.

Not much more to say, so I’ll shut up for a change.

Cheers all!!

Morning all. Stayed in bed till nearly 8am because I can. It started raining late last night and is still raining now and will continue till about noontime, so probably no soccer practice today. Will try to get to the gym and the kitchen could use some cleaning, so that might be on the agenda (really need to look into some housecleaning services). Otherwise a day of reading and internetting will be in order.

Pilot, a lot of my Amazon stuff here comes to me via the Postal Service, so I find all sizes of things stuffed into my mailbox. So far service has been pretty good and no porch pirates to report. Enjoy the e-bike.

FCM, it’s probably a good thing for her she moved in with you guys, she’d probably have passed away or be on the verge of it if she was still on her own. But might end up being a several-year commitment on your part. As for Higgs, dogs tend to be skeptical of changes around them, maybe he’ll warm up to the ramp. And yeaah! for our budding engineer!

sticky buns, I think it is rather wonderful that you have a whole menagerie of silly hats. I have a lot of baseball caps I’ve acquired over the years, but none of them are silly. And hope the logistics get worked out.

Agreed with this; I plan to live forever or die trying.

As for directions, my father would occasionally get lost coming back from somewhere and when my Mom would point this out my Dad would answer “I’m going to get to a road I recognize here in a bit”. And he always did. I am a landmarks direction person, but usually realize when I’ve missed something and turn back. Garmin has been a fine gift for me.

Taters, probably should have ordered a week earlier, I imagine the places and delivery services will be swamped this week. Just tell the kids the baskets got re-resurrected too…

OK, need to get the late morning internetting done. Take care all.