Everywhere I go this stupid body goes with me.

Everywhere I go this body goes with me.

And it’s slow too. If I want to be over there I can’t go unless I take the body there. The body gets tired too. And when it’s tired it transfers an unpleasant feeling to me so that I feel it’s tiredness! That one takes some getting used to.

It transfers all the other things it experiences too. Which can sometimes be an advantage.

It has mass which causes it to be more or less stuck on the horizontal plane, unless there are physical objects around to aid it in moving on the vertical plane. But this pretty much seriously limits the places I can go. If I feel a desire to go somewhere without the body… nothing happens! I seem to be completely stuck in it!

It’s good at using the keyboard thing though. At this very moment it is deftly translating my monologue into words on the screen in front of the head part. And the eyes are doing a pretty good job of feedback to check that what is being translated is correct.

But if I were able to go somewhere without the body, what would I use to see and hear?
Hang on a minute??

What would I use to think!.

Oh hell I just realized. I am the body! :eek:
Well that sucks.

Yeah, I remember my first time on acid…

Are you sure? I have often wanted to post a GD about the Mind Body Brain Trichotomy(???). I feel like I am a mere observer in my own body. I look back on decisions I have made or things I have thought and wonder “Who the hell thought that?”. Most of the time "I "feel like a passenger. My wife doesn’t buy it though.
(I will (I think, sometime in the future) submit a more fleshed out GD on this subject , so no “You already asked this” posts, please, when it happens(if it happens).)

Tell the body to go outside and change the tire.

Well If we’re on that subject. Is there an “I”? Or is that part of yourself that feels awareness, the root of awareness, the point where experience is experienced really just an illusion, a product of the overall complexity of the evolved brain/survival machine*

[sub]*Yes I’ve been reading the Selfish Gene[/sub]

It needs to be at work in case anything goes wrong.

For some reason my Boss requires that my body is around to do stuff. He doesn’t really care if I’m around.

You’re living in the past, you might as well have enjoyed it.

You sound a lot like I did one time when i was criticaly depressed. Rather than kill my perfectly healthy (if a little fat) body I decided to lease it to The US Army. Best deal I ever made.

Worst deal I ever made was when I didn’t renew the lease and insted offered the body up for sale to a woman who has since put it to all kinds of uses except the one it was initially intended for.

At least you’re not pregnant!

It did, tonight, after getting home from work.

Did it do it?

Yes it did.


As my C.S. Lewis professor says, God’s greatest joke is that we have bodies.

I never abused my body with hard work or exercise. I catered to its every whim; whatever it wanted, I got for it: drugs, alcohol, nicotine, sex, etc., etc. I saw to it that it had plenty of rest; I let it sit on the sofa and watch TV all it wanted. Now, when I’m old and really need it, my body is betraying me. Ungrateful son of a bitch.

Would you guys and your bodies keep it down! You know who might show up.

Same probs here and my body drags this shadow around with it too. Talk about freeloading…

Sometimes my body makes funny smells.

I constantly catch my body trying to control my actions. And my thoughts. But then again… I’ve come to somewhat depend on it. It’s always around to support me, regardless of what it may be going through when I need it. If I want to be somewhere, my body will immediately put down whatever it’s doing and take me where I want to be. It is always 100% honest with me - if it is tired or hungry and doesn’t want to do something, it will tell me, and that’s ok. In all the years I have spent with my body, we have not once fought. It’s quite in tune with my feelings. In fact, sometimes I feel like it understands me better than I do. The last time I was sick and vomiting, it was my body that held my hair out of the way. It genuinely wants what is best for me. I’m quite attached to it, really.

Bodies are for hookers and fat people.

Pawn it.

All you really need is a wad of cash with a head wrapped around it.