Eve's Tiny Photo Album

Courtesy of GingeroftheNorth, who was kind enough to post these photos on her and Dave’s web space.

1) A recent snapshot of me, settling comfortably into middle-aged matronhood.

2) My father, looking very Errol Flynn-y in WWII.

3) That’s me when I was a hot young New York gal-about-town, mid-1980s. I was Carrie Bradshaw when Sarah Jessica Parker was still a Square Peg . . .

4) My Mom at the height of her Young Main Line Society Matron days, c1950 (this is one of my favorite photos of her, taken by my father at a country club just as she was slipping her coat off).

Looking good Eve. Both then and now. Your mom was cute too.

My heavens, Eve, how very Betty Grable you look (except for the dark hair, of course) in #3. Seriously, what a babe! However, in #1, where are your pearls, young lady?! And I think you’re a few years/pounds short of what I picture as matronhood!

Nice Gams!!

I’m wearin’ me poils! Well, jade, actually. As for the poundage, I posted the least double-chinny of the photos (I am still a size 12, trying to work my way back down to a 10).

So where’s the matron picture? Seriously!

Well, someone’s got to say it:
“How you doin?”

My first semi-erotic doper dream featured Eve.

Nobody now will ever doubt why:D

You got some great legs, babe!

Evie - hot, hot, hot!
Now we know where you got it from - Mom Golden is wowsa too.

Although you said Main Line, I know you’ve mentioned living in Baltimore. Is that a Baltimore-area country club? Do you mind my asking which one?

I went to college in Bawlmer, but my family is Philadelphia: both my parents (and my sister & I) born & raised on the Main Line. Mom has no idea what club that was: not the Haverford Hunt Club or the Lower Merion Cricket Club, as they were (and still are, for all I know) “restricted.”

She does recall the dress was yellow silk, though.

Oh, please. I look like I should be baking cookies for my grandchildren. That’s matronly. Considering that I’d have had to have children when I was prepubescent makes it even worse.

But you? Humpf. If that’s matronly, I’m Mrs. Claus’s mother.

Well, that’s funny. I’m from Bawlmer, but went to college in Philly. The Art Institute on Chestnut. Great city.

That pink flamingo in the background of the third shot is a divine touch.

Is that the 1820s building that used to be a Deaf & Dumb Institute? I took Life Drawing classes there in high shcool, on weekends!

(Oh, and my gams thank all of you for their compliments!)

wanders in

Thank heaven for Jewish girls… :smiley:

wanders out

Wow, if that’s what matronly looks like then I’m gonna stop complaining about inching slowly towards it myself!

Eve refuses to believe that she’s still a hot property, and laments her matronly hair up-do. However, she has eschewed my suggestion that she cut her hair very short and spike it.

My hair is very straight and lank and does not “spike.” The result of a short do on me is not so much “Audrey Hepburn” as “Alfalfa.”