Evidence is irrelevant to mister nyxx

Yes, nyx is quite full of himself which leads him to become lazy and stupid. If he wasn’t utterly convinced of his own rectitude, he would have more humility. If he was more humble, he might expend the effort into tracking down cites, weighing evidence and generally engaging in tough and careful ignorance battling.

There are many psychological barriers to constructive conduct. Nyx displays one of them. If he is of sophomore age, he could grow out of it. Otherwise the prognosis looks grim.

I don’t think so. I think he will be this board’s next DIO. Granted, he’s a different flavor. But in the end, he knows how to push people’s buttons and still not get too much scorn from the mods. (if any.)

Didn’t notice this thread earlier. Voter intimidation is bad.

Well, at least we had nearly a year of relative peace and a break from constant threadshitting derailments that invariably ended in lockdowns.

I have noticed nyxx does seem to go out of his way to be rude.

I miss Dio. I wish he could come back.

I don’t know if the last part of your statement is true. See the last half of this threadand you’ll see that he’s most likely on their radar.

And yet my clever poem of post #13 goes unremarked.
Well, admittedly, it might work better as a high-tempo lyric.


I too agree. ** Dio**, open a dialog with Tuba.

Shakes, I posted with Dio, I knew Dio, Dio was a friend of mine. Shakes, nyxx is no Dio.

I take that as a compliment.

Try again if your intent is to insult me.

A new poster came here once asking for advice about a year ago or so IIRC. She had had a miscarriage and broke up with her boyfriend (I think). And I can’t recall if the break up was pre or post miscarriage. She had some significant to her medical expenses. She wondered if he should help to pay for them.

So, she’s had a relationship break up. A misscariage. Having financial troubles. And it also sounded like she was on the youngish side. Not exactly a good day for anyone.

What’s Dio’s take on it?

She should have never shacked up with a guy that would dump her and not help pay medical expenses for a miscarriage.

Yeah, that’s the kind of “honest” and insightful advice we need around here to class up the place.

For that shit alone I hope Dio ends up with grandson with a dog collar.

How in the world could that be taken as an insult directed at you?

Dio gave me a kidney. I didn’t even need one, he was just that kinda guy.

Cool. Any idea whose it was?

I wonder how many times it will be pointed out before people figure out that nyx has one"x".

Yeah, I’m wondering that as well. But just to be clear, it was an insult directed at nyxx. He’s no Diogenes. He’s not even a pale shadow of Diogenes.

Like a shadow cast by a lamp in daytime?

An unlit lamp.

So would it be bad protocol for me to encourage people to GET OUT AND VOTE <democrat>? Or is it wrong to ask people to vote <democrat>? I always thought getting <democrat> voters to the polls was a good thing. Maybe if more people voted <democrat> it could only help.

Perhaps the “subliminal” message in the ads to vote <democrat> is what the subject of the OP is offended by? Or maybe the OP is offended by the encouragement to vote <democrat>. Shit, I forgot what I was saying. 19 hours and counting at work makes me a little loopy. On the bright said I have 54 hours in so far this week and still have 2 more scheduled days. Nice check if I don’t die here before I get it.

Fuck it. I prefer Ron Paul anyway. So please don’t go vote <democrat>! And by all means DON’T VOTE DEMOCRAT!

Oh yeah, and fuck the Republicans too.