Ewww - I encountered a pervert in the men's room!

I would have waited for the guy to exit and kicked him square in the crotch.

Really? Maybe those guys just don’t want people to see their junk. Or they sit down to pee.

Where would you have preferred to come across them? So to speak.

Men’s room etiquette dictates if a man can’t use a urinal without standing adjacent to someone, then use the stall.

Your talent for dragging threads round to a discussion of women’s issues never ceases to impress me. Just once in a while it’s OK for us to be talking about someone else, mmmkay? :rolleyes:

Perhaps he didn’t want to embarrass and intimidate the other guys with the size of his schlong?

Damn straight! I almost broke the guy’s mirror. :cool:

Pssst. It was an off-duty security guard who had the mirror. That is why they want the job in the first place. Just be thankful the rest of them didn’t show up and make you do their version of a “lineup”.

Also, don’t tap your foot while you pee. Sometimes you will accidentally hit the right Morse code pattern and trigger an odd situation.

Yeah. God forbid I draw some sort of parallel when I could be judging him for having the gall not to use a urinal to pee. :rolleyes:

The mere mention of women is dragging things round to women’s issues?

I would think that eventually the perv will be discovered by someone who, instead of reporting him to security, will shove the mirror up his arrears.

Yes, honey, that’s exactly what I said. :rolleyes:

Let’s not talk about the OP’s woes, let’s talk about gaining empathy for women; there’s only so long you can talk about men before you have to get back to the important issues.

Shattering the mirror at that point with the heel of your shoe is appropriate, if his hand has embedded glass in in afterward is tough shit.

It’s Not Rocket Surgery! really seemed offended.

There are quite a few predictable responses to the OP, even if he posted it merely to vent. People sharing their own stories is one of them. (Along with people asking more questions, telling him what he should have done, telling him he should toughen up etc.). As a woman this has never happened to me. I have never had a mirror held up so a perv could look at my genitals (well, not that I know of). I have had someone take an upskirt shot of me. And if someone, male or female, had shone a mirror at me I would have been as equally as skeeved as the OP.

So again, god forbid I express sympathy that men who have this sort of thing done to them are supposed to either laugh it off or beat the offender up (or have wild sex, if the offender is a woman).

Um, he may have been contentious and insulting about it, but nobody forced you to post those details. You chose to. You could have just left it at “It wasn’t just to pee.”

OR, you can beat it off and laugh at the offender!

Eh, I don’t see the problem of gently mentioning that this is something that women probably deal with more often than men. I mean as long as the poster doesn’t insist on completely hijacking the discussion.

There are a whole lot of reasons that someone might not want to hang his privates out in front of other people. People with “shy bladder” problems can walk into a stall, pee, and be done in 30 seconds. Force them to use a urinal with other people standing next to them, and nothing will happen until the bathroom’s empty.

You could stand to be just a shade less judgmental.

Some of us CAN’T use a urinal without dividers between them. Unless you want to wait 10 minutes for me to pee, quit bitching if I use the stall.

There are plenty of good reasons for a shy bladder, and using a stall alleviates the issue.

My laughter won’t stop coming!