Ewww - I encountered a pervert in the men's room!

Yeah, but how often do I get to shock someone into eating their words? I know he didn’t really force me to do it - but since I had a valid reason for using a stall to pee, I just let my freak flag fly!

That’s why I’m for bringing back slavery. You can’t really feel for the poor slaves until you’ve been one.

Did you say " Senator Craig, stop that".

If he didn’t, he should have. :wink:

It’s not my stance to say such things…

Not all men have the equipment to stand and pee. Why on earth do you care about where anyone else chooses to urinate?

As to the OP, I’m sorry you were violated this way, and that security chose not to respond. I hope you can feel safe if you end up having to use that restroom again.

I don’t think there’s any chance of me using it again. There’s at least one public restroom on the same block (Starbucks) and my office is 3 blocks away.

I’m glad I’m not the only one to notice this. It’s literally every thread she has ever participated in.

Myself, I must sit to pee because I’m not allowed to lift heavy objects anymore.

I was going to say that you should have pissed on the mirror, but then I realized that the clown holding the mirror would probably have enjoyed it way too much.

Really? ‘Find all’ posts by me. Even the first page doesn’t mesh with this statement. I do take an interest in gender and sex, but it’s not like I’m starting posts every three days about guys getting shafted by Thai prostitutes.

(And I don’t think people need to be slaves to feel empathy to ethnic minorities – but traveling abroad and feeling culture shock is an interesting experiment if you’ve lived with privilege.)

To be fair, do women who have never been raped or perved on have an obligation to try and commiserate or feel what women who have been raped feel?

Obligation? I wouldn’t say so. Empathy is good, but it can’t be compelled.

I had practically the identical experience to the OP as a teenager (about 17) in a public toilet in Weston-Super-Mare. No mirror involved, though - the peeper made no bones about leering through under the partition, and regrettably my first reaction, poking my foot in the direction of his face, just clued him in as to the limits of my reach.

Still, I suppose it taught me to empathise with the sufferings of Real Human Beings. :dubious:

That would be rather unsettling. I’m sure you got as much understanding from the security guards as your getting here. Tower Place has been slowly dying and getting nastier every year since the anchor stores closed. So now it seems that the residents of the Metropole Apts are heading over to the Tower for lunch and a show.

In a public toilet block in a small seaside resort in England in the 1970s, no security guards. Might’ve found a policeman but I doubted they’d be able to do much. Meh. I dealt with it and if anything I now pity the poor sap who has to get his jollies kneeling (or lying) on the dunny floor spying on a teenager in the next cubicle.

Me too.
I was in Sears in a local mall getting tools & stuff when the need to drop anchor arose. As I entered the men’s room, there was an older gentleman (70+) standing at a urinal, but something about him struck me as odd. I never could put my finger on it, but he just didn’t seem right. Insert joke here.

Anyway, I entered a stall, and got down to business. I could see pop through the gap in the doorway, and watched as he slowly turned more and more so he could get a look at me! Looking down (gak! why did I do that?) I saw that pop was holding his erection and waving it for my approval? amusement? Who knows?

I wasn’t scared or offended, really. I was just really pissed, because my first thought was “what if I were my 15yo boy?”

When I said “Can I help you?”, pop was gone faster then Carl Lewis.
It took a few moments to wrap things up, as it were, and get outside, but of course he was gone. I grabbed an employee and had her get security on the way while I looked around for him.

I gave his description and clothing to security, but I suspect he was already in his car headed for Del Boca Vista, Phase II by the time I was out.

My concern over this kind of crap is not for me, but for any children who may have to witness this, or worse. In my experience, weenie-wavers keep to themselves, and are not violent, but there are few absolutes in this world.

I wish I had had the presence of mind to just ignore him for a moment, get pulled together and snatch his ass up for the police.
If you’re at Sears in Northlake Mall, and nature calls, just hold it!


Mirror, mirror on the wall
Who’s that pervert in the stall?