Ex-Marine With Chainsaw vs. Mountain Lion (For Real)

The ex-Marine won! Go Corps!

Dunno, I think the Marine with a log vs bear was perhaps more dare doing.

There’s no such thing as an ex-Marine.

They train Marines to fight with chainsaws against mountain lions ?!:eek:

Whenever I see an ex-marine with a chainsaw, and a starving mountain lion facing off, I’m always going to cheer for the lion.

Me too. Those damn Marines, volunteering for military service, defending our country…what a bunch of a-holes!

Hey, if it had been a very annoyed hippo, I’d have took my hat off to him, but a starving mountain-lion; that’s just bullying.

Yeah, he should have been nice and just let the lion have a few nibbles of his flesh. He’s a Marine, after all. They’re tough, they can take it. Perhaps he should have offered the hungry cat one of his toddlers? That seems fair.

Well, next time he puts his family in the territory of starving mountain lions, perhaps he’ll take a few tins of cat-food instead.

Well, I think the story would have been more exciting if the guy had fended off the cat off with a double-headed axe, but whatever.

Point of order: Is it legal to cut firewood with a chainsaw in a national forest? I honestly have no idear.

Yep. Just don’t do it in a wildernest area.

You should have a permit if you are gathering wood to heat your home. If you’re just camping, a chainsaw is a bit much. Axe works well enough.

I feel sorry for the mountain lion. But the man did the right thing.

I suspect that the real moral of the story is that if you see a mountain lion staring you down, stay where you are, watching it and at the ready. Don’t run away, cause then it knows you’re weak.

I’m curious. Did you write this as a joke not knowing how much of a jerk you might sound like or do you actually feel this way for some incomprehensible reason?

Best line in the article.

…same reply
toss the cat in a river, I hate cats,
spoiler didn’t work there,

my dog would have killed that cat

works here,

The Shoshone National Forest currently is not under a fire restriction. Wood cutting is restricted to dead and down.

Meh. I read a story of a woman fighting a bear off her husband armed with nothing but her camera.

A Marine with a chainsaw hardly seems sporting.

A National Forest is much different from a National Park. A national forest is federally owned timber producing land, at least here in the west. Meaning that the federal government receives income from the management of the land, including commercial logging operations, livestock grazing and recreational uses. Most of the activities that occur on privately owned forest land also happen on national forest land. The difference is that the procedes go to the government.

Many people hear “National Forest” and think National Park or wilderness area. They are very different and managed for different uses.

It’s really just governmet owned commercial forest land, and is used much the same way.

Not “Mountain Lion,” “Mountain Kitty!” Don’t you people read your PETA literature?
I took one for the team and looked at the PETA site and didn’t see any reference to the incident. I did get away before :eek: my head exploded.

Sounds like Britton had forgotten some of his Marine training, he should have deployed his two toddlers in flanking positions while his wife called in artillery or air support. :smiley:

It’s called humour. It’s pretty subjective, I’ve heard.

Saying that, I do think the mountain lion has more right to be out in the woods, than the ex-marine, his wife and children, so yes, my sympathy is mostly for the dead lion. I know, I’m weird like that.