Examples Of Actors Playing Best Friends, When In Real Life The Actors Hate Each Other

I heard that John Goodman really hated Tom Arnold and how Tom Arnold could influence Roseanne so heavily.

HAHAHAHAHAHA!!! I thought the same about Jimmy Stewart.

Sorta in line with the OP. . .
Siskel & Ebert, while co-workers for many years, didn’t particularly care for one another personally. . . at least so they said.

But that also makes me wonder about a lot of these relationships: These people are co-workers, but that doesn’t mean that they’re chummy IRL. I have co-workers that I have a great working relationship with, but I have no interest at all in spending any non-work time with them.

Richard Pryor and Gene Wilder starred in a lot of buddy movies together, but they were not friends. Apparently Pryor’s constant drug use made him very hard to get along with.

I know that’s a common rumor but I don’t think it’s strictly true. I think the reality is that they have a complicated relationship. From what I’ve read & from interviews I’ve seen, they dated briefly as the series was getting started. They worked very long, grueling hours for 7 years plus a movie, and Gillian has been quoted as saying essentially that under those conditions it was like having a sibling – ya love 'em, but being around them so much doing such tough work would wear on anyone’s nerves. During the filming of the most recent movie they got along fine, and during the movie’s premiere events there were some sightings/rumors/photos that made it seem the romance engines might have been revved back up. Bitch-Back! Politically Riled and X-Style Spied! - E! Online

Sarah Michelle Gellar was reportedly disliked by all the other cast members on Buffy the Vampire Slayer.

While this was true at first, they did eventually become very close.

At the risk of having my very long-running crush coming to an abrupt end, can you provide details as to why Sarah might not be agreeable?

I pray it’s something small and forgivable so I can still marry her in a few years.

From what I’ve read, she’s a bit of a diva. And apparently didn’t realize that while her character’s name was in the title, that it was actually an ensemble show.

This is especially interesting when you realize that she has had the worst post-Buffy career out of practically the entire cast. Except for maybe Xander, but he more or less retired and only acts sporadically nowadays.

Women for Sobriety? World Future Society? Web Feature Service?

I heard Abbot and Costello didn’t get along.

I learned from the director’s commentary on the Pride & Prejudice (2005) DVD that Rosamund Pike (Jane Bennet) and Simon Woods (Mr. Bingley) were cast as a pair of shy, blushing young lovers before the director realized that the actress and actor were a former couple, since broken up! They didn’t hate each other, I guess, but it was clearly over. The director was quite impressed by their professionalism on set; if you see the film, you’d never guess they have a history together.

The list of entertainment teams who didn’t get along goes back to at least Cain and Abel.

Gilbert and Sullivan had a notoriously strained working relationship.

Dean Martin famously said his partnership with Jerry Lewis was the best thing that ever happened to him – and breaking up the act was the second best.

Moe and Larry hated Joe Besser, and Besser didn’t care for either of them.

Lou Costello was quoted as saying that, whatever their differences, Martin and Lewis should just suck it up and keep the act going – just as he and Bud Abbott had done for years even though they didn’t like each other.

They did at first, but the relationship got strained for a bunch of reasons, including Abbott’s alcoholism (Costello’s wife was an alcoholic, and Costello had come to hate alcohol and alcoholism), and disputes over salary…at the beginning of their career, it had been split 60%-40%, then 50%-50%, and finally 40% to Abbott and 60% to Costello, and that upset Abbott.

William F&cking Shatner

Thanks. I rarely remember to read Wil’s work, but I always enjoy it. Good story, and a well-earned nickname for Mr Shatner.

She especially didn’t get on well with Allison Hannigan, I understand.

Shannon Dohrghity (can’t be arsed to look up the spelling) and Jason Lee loathed each other when they did Mallrats. Actually, I don’t believe Shannon was liked by most anyone.

From what I read, it was Moe who wasn’t fond of Besser. And even then it wasn’t hate. The studio had forced Besser on Moe because he was under contract. Joe wasn’t happy playing it but was under contract. Larry was pretty much indifferent to anything and just showed up and got paid. I also read as it progressed Joe and Moe and Larry begain to like each other and once they accepted that they’d have to work together, got on OK.

A lot of transient fights later get patched up. Larry Wilcox and Erik Estrada did not like each other toward the end, but today get along well.

Jane Curtain and Susan St James also had a lot of flack between them. But today they are friends again. St James and Curtain were friends before Kate & Allie.

Sames goes for Penny Marshall and Cindy Williams, today they get along well. But Cindy says in interviews today it was the fact that there was so much nepotism on Laverne & Shirley that she felt left out and that 'caused the friction.

Suzanne Sommers says she and Joyce DeWitt never got along at all. And when the contract disputes started up and she and John Ritter fell out, that hurt her. But she says that since she and DeWitt were never close she didn’t care. Sommers and Ritter also made up later on and were friendly. Sommers replacement Priscilla Barnes and Joyce DeWitt went on to become best friends in real life.

Vivian Vance and William Frawley had their feud basically because Vance’s contract was tied to his. Frawley had a bad reputation in Hollywood as a boozer and an a gambler (horse races and ball games). Frawley campaigned to Lucy directly for the role and Desi only agreed by saying that if there was ONE SINGLE SLIP UP, he’d be written out. Desi also made threats to see that he’d “never work again.”

Vance was hired and this upset Lucy as Vance was only a few years older and not frumpy and ugly. Vance had it in her contract that if Frawley was written out for any reason she’d be let go too. She didn’t like her future tied to Frawley’s.

As it turned out Frawley (according to Desi) performed without a flaw and never was late or caused problems. But Frawley was only for the bucks. Vance would say “Most actors complain about not having enough lines. Bill would come in complaining about having too many, telling the writers to cut some out. All Bill wanted to do was say his lines and get to the race track.” Vance also didn’t like the fact Frawley only learned his part and often had no idea of what the script was about.

The biggest problem between the two came because even though *I Love Lucy *was a huge hit, neither Vance nor Frawley ever got much more than they started with. Lucy and Desi were well known for only paying scale.

Then CBS offered Frawley and Vance a spin-off of the Mertzes for a lot of money and Vance refused, saying she didn’t like Frawley enough to do that. And after that it was all out war between the two.

I read in Stanley Livingstosn’s autobiography (He played Ernie on My Three Sons which was filmed on DesiLu next to The Lucy Show, where Vance was playing Viv. Remember at this time Frawley was playing Bub on My Three Sons)

Livingston said Frawley would pay him money to make noise or throw things when Vance was saying her lines so she’d screw up. And Vance would give the kids candy and such to screw with Frawley. So those two really dislike each other.

I like Frawley’s quote from the I Love Lucy book regarding Vance, “Kansas never produced a finer actress than Vivan Vance, but today I don’t know where or what she’s doing and we both like it that way”


Besides the long term colaborations like Lewis-Martin or Abbott-Costello, I wonder if when you work together for many years (cast of MASH or Cheers for example) you actually tend to forge real life friendships, simply due to being around each other for years at a strech, even if you werent particularly simpatico when you started working together. (I know this will not always be the case, but I can imagine it happens fairly often, just as people hang out with co-workers after work, even if they would not be friends in other circumstances)

I remember that Jack Klugman had nothing but praise for Tony Randall after Randall died, but said they were actually opposites in many ways during the “Odd Couple” and only became good friends in real life after working together for a while…

To me, what would be really interesting would be to find out that Alan Alda and Jamie Farr (as a made up example) hated each other despite working together for all those years.

Thanks for the great post Marxxx—Very interesting!!!

As an aside, I read that Jane Curtain didnt get along with several of the other original “Saturday Night Live” cast members. (particularly John Belushi)