Last night,as usual, one of my duties as closer was to go out and clean the front of our little counter. I get down towards the end near the register #1 when I notice some dickwad has written their name and “was here on 5/10/03”. It had to scrub with bleach for fifteen minutes to get the ink off the counter. Dammit people! It does not say ‘write here’ on my counter. Urgh.
And another thing…what is up with parents letting their kids crawl all over/under/around the counter these days? Can you not control your c hild for the five minutes it takes to order?
And for the hearing of all…PLEASE shut your stupid kid up. There have been times when I haven’t been able to hear over the screams of your kid to take orders. Yes I realize that you think because you are 10 ft away at a table that it’s ok to let your child scream at the top of their lungs without respite but some of us would like to still be able to hear when we’re 30, ok? Please…please PLEASE shut your kid up.
I would also really like it somebody brought back into fashion those little harness things with leashes for their kids. I have seen kids run up and down the foodcourt, willy nilly, causing havoc while their parents ignore them to go get food. It’s annoying to have to see a security guard grab a kid for misbehaving and then have to drag the kid screaming, kicking and crying up to the parents who look shocked as if their kid would never cause problems.
I realize that the city planners in Frisco didn’t plan for ‘general parking’ to be onsite at the new sports complex across from the mall. But I wish they’d had the foresight to put crosswalks and possibly crossing lights in the mall’s svc roads. The mall’s parking lot (well part of it anyway)is designated as general parking since it’s so damned close to the new sports complex. Several times since the complex opened I have almost been hit because I am nice enough to STOP for morons who are walking in or across the road on which I am trying to drive. There are NO sidewalks and so these people don’t have a choice but to walk in the road and take their chances at being hit by drivers. The parking doesn’t bother me too much right n ow because it’s summer and it’s not too bad but I can’t wait till winter and we get hockey games at the complex and the parking goes all to shit because from mid-Sept on you are lucky to find a single parking space AT ALL almost anywhere in any of the lots. Urgh.
PEOPLE PEOPLE PEOPLE! I realize that as parents you need alone time but please…do not drop off hordes of young teenagers with a fat wad of cash at the mall. I know that not ALL of them are causing problems but the ones who are will probably soon get all unsupervised teens under the age 18 to be banned from the mall. It’s happened in other parts of the country( cite ,citecite ). I wouldn’t be surprised if it happened here. I’d love to see it happen SOON, personally.
And please please please mall mgmt…GET RID OF THE DAMNED VALET PARKING! We only have one parking garage and there is no need to take up half to three-quarters of it with stupid valet that nobody pays for. Most of the time you see the sections marked off as ‘valet only’ and the marked off sections are only about a quarter full at any given time.
Sorry. I had a HUGELY bad day yesterday and had to get this all off my chest.
Frisco, eh? A good friend of mine is moving there this summer. You might ask why, why would someone move to the “Armpit of NorthTexas”? Simply, because Tyler is the Asshole of all Texas.
I worked at Dairy Queen once. I recall one instance in which a young mother of five verbally assaulted me because I wasn’t authorized to give her a refund for a sundae, because her son had eaten it. I once had to drive a drunk patron home after his friends left him on a table outside. Above all, the worst day of work I ever had was when a kindergarten class came to take a tour (and I was volunteered to guide, of course) and a kid got his tennis shoe stuck in one of the mixers. Most people on that side of town weren’t terribly literate (the ones that went to Dairy Queen, anyway), so writing on the counter was never really a problem.
Spudshark, welcome to the boards. I just escaped from Tyler a couple of years ago.
IDBB I’m sorry you had such a bad. What is wrong with people that they think they can just write all over everything. My kid favorite playground was recently defiled by someone with a permanent marker. They wrote “For a good time call 555-xxxx” all over everything including the seats of the swings. Damn it! That’s where my KIDS play.
Screaming kids are evil. The only worse scenario for me is after I’ve had a bad day, I go have a quiet drink in my local, and it’s overrun by squealing brats.
Kids should not be in pubs! Dammit! I go there to relax, not to extend my already quite vast repatoire of visualised brutality!
That’s funny - I was just bitching about this same issue while getting my hair cut yesterday. My stylist was talking about how she hates it when bad parents bring their kids into the salon - bad parents being the ones who let their kids run around the salon and make no effort to control them.
I honestly think that there are more good kids than there are bad kids - and in turn, there are more good parents than there are bad parents. Unfortunately, the bad parents are so much more visible that we tend to start thinking all kids are bratty. I had to watch the granddaughter of friends of my parents last weekend, and it was a miserable experience. No one ever says no to this child, no one ever disciplines her, she lives with her grandparents most of the time because her parents don’t want to take the time to watch their child, and she literally runs her grandparents ragged with “I want this, I want that!”, but they do it all for her and never tell her no. So it was a bit of a culture shock for her to be left with me - since I expect children to listen to me (I helped raise my cousin’s two children, who are now 17 and 13, and knew that they didn’t misbehave around me because I wouldn’t hesitate to take them out of whatever we were doing - in one case, I took them out of the movies after two warnings to stop acting up, and then made them pay me back for the cost of their tickets and mine since it was their fault that we’d had to leave. They never misbehaved in the movie theatre with me again.). If I said to this little girl that she had to do something she didn’t want to do (like start getting ready for bed at 10 PM), she would immediately start to cry. She’s not used to being told ‘no’ about anything. But you know what? That Sunday night, I still got a phone call from her after she’d gotten home to PA telling me that she loved me and thanking me for taking care of her - she’d asked to make the phone call herself. Part of me thinks that the poor kid is just screaming for discipline.
I compare her to the girls next door, who are 5 and 3, and still get in trouble sometimes (the 3 year old more than the 5 year old - she’s a mess:), but they are the most polite, sweet little girls - and they will LISTEN to you. They understand that they’re supposed to do what grown-ups tell them to do, and I love spending time with them (In fact, I’m ‘borrowing’ them to go see the Rugrats/Wild Thornberries movie because I really want to see it, but I feel like I should have children with me;)). Unfortunately, well-behaved kids seem to go unnoticed because the ill-behaved ones are louder and more shrill. Every once in awhile, I need to remind myself about the good kids and I try to comment to parents in stores about how good their kids are - they deserve some recognition for raising good kids.
Spudshark–this is kind of a [hijack] but Frisco is a really decent town overall…if you discount the huge amounts of mad moms in minivans/SUVs who think they own the road because their car is bigger than yours. We actually live outside of Frisco now…somewhere in that no-man’s land between Frisco and The Colony which will soon be swallowed up by one of the two cities I’m sure.[/hijack]
Yesterday…I again had to clean some dickwad’s handwriting off AND some childish scribbling off the counter which made me even more mad. But I know if we took the stupid pens off their chains and kept them on/behind the register somebody would complain.>_<
Hey…I’m walkin’ heah! I almost got flattened yesterday in the mall parking garage (where mall employees such as myself are technically not supposed to park…but that’s another rant all by itself) when I was walking to my car around 5 pm because some hotshot teenage asshats in Mommy and Daddy’s SUVS were drag-racing in the garage. This isn’t the first time it’s happened and mall security can’t really do anything. Mall securitys only job seems to be walking around handing out daily mall notices to tenants and…walking around…and sitting in their trucks doing NOTHING…or…driving around the mall in their golfcarts and doing nothing. Granted…they have kicked out some unruly kids but this doesn’t happen very often because of the huge apathy that seems to run through the entire complement of fat,balding,soon-to-be-approaching elderhood mall security team.
Resteraunt Patrons–we do not exist to stand there and give you enough napkins to choke a horse. We always put at least 4 napkins per sack and that is normally enough. I undestand sometimes because you have messy kids you’re going to need a few more but DO NOT DO NOT stand there and tell me, after I’ve already put napkins in your sack and handed you six or seven more that you need more. I’ll hand you more but if you ask for more a second or third time, that’s just annoying and it pisses me off. AND another thing…do you REALLY need to dump the entire contents of the ketchup bin into your sack? Who really needs 1,000 packets of ketchup? I mean really? And don’t pretend that you’re not dumping all of our mints into your sack at the same time because that means I have to replace them and we run out sooner because we can’t afford to buy more because of your greed,you gluttonous mint fiend.