Exercise: Describe Yourself in 20 Words or Less

Is your blue eye your left one or your right one? It makes all the difference in my assessment of you as a person. :wink:

Sorry Eohippus Cant tell you that or I would have to kill you :smiley:
jest pulling your leg skuttles off to the bathroom mirror cause she can never remember herself. My right one is brown, does this make me a good or bad person?

37, merried, American, male, lives in Brazil with Brazillian wife
and our kid. Aurther Dent clone. Except im blond.
** 20 woids! hoo-yha!**

Actually, I was kidding you because I thought you’d mis-posted, and you’d meant to say you had brown hair and blue yes, like I do.

I’m guessing you’re a good, albeit absent-minded, person who infrequently looks in the mirror. :slight_smile:

Duh, that’s EYES…

LOL Eohippus, absent minded yes, but vain enough to look in the mirror :smiley: I just dont notice it myself unless someone points it out. I just have to keep saying its like wiring a plug “brown to the right and blue to the left” :wink:

Maybe, Pers, but you’re our psycho vixen bimbo b**** from hell!

Me? OK… um…

44, dad, husband, scout leader, coder, lefthanded, balding, loves scuba diving but has been too dry lately.

17 words. I donate my 3 unused words to whoever claims them first.

Originally posted by RalfCoder

I’ll take them, but donate them back to you: drink, don’t dive.

Don’t dive? But… but… it’s water! That’s why it’s there!! What am I supposed to do with the stuff, drink it? :smiley:

Blutoesque male, down that steep slope to the big four-oh of geezerdom, but with a sense of wonder.
