The news yesterday intimated that reseachers may someday come up with “exercise in a pill.”
Got me thinking:
I’ve always heard that speed and other stimulants damage the heart.
My question is, if the whole point of exercise is to get the heart pumping at a higher rate and giving it a solid work-out, why do stimulants harm, instead of help the heart?
During exercise and as a result of being exercised, the heart and cardiovascular system are given demands, and to meet those demands over a long period of time, the whole system becomes more efficient. Heart: ‘Body says we need blood, we nee oxygen, we need to keep up…we become more efficient and stronger in response to the need…this repeated need for more/faster/better service’. The heart and cardio system over time react and respond to this LEGITIMATE need.
Stimulants tell the heart: go faster, go faster. Heart goes faster, but there is no apparent need to be more efficient, or to carry more oxygen faster/better/healthier. Stimulant is just a demand for speed…so BP goes up too. Heart just races for racings sake. No benefit there.