Exhibitionism, cell phone cameras and the internet - oh my!!

I don’t know what you are yammering about, LD, but thanks, I guess, for mucking around worse than I did. That took some effort. In my defense, I made a good faith attempt to defend my POV, and in your defense, nice attempt at moderating this thread.

Your posts literally sound like the rantings of a crazy person at this point.

I’m not mucking about with anything, and my thoughts on your participation in this thread are mirrored by nearly everyone who has come in contact with you so far.

What request? What questions? What the hell are you talking about?

Are you talking about the “what they said” post? Honey, that’s not an explanation.

Short memory, I guess:

Why does it upset you so that Troppus doesn’t like the same porn you do? Are you afraid her opinions will turn fence-sitters against pornography? Your vitriol is completely out of proportion to anything anybody has said in this thread and I can’t figure out where it is coming from. Maybe you just need a good wank or something to settle your nerves.

It doesn’t. Stop making things up.

No. Stop making things up.


My vitriol isn’t in the same stratosphere as Troppos’, who is so desperate to make some kind of case against pornography that she is accusing people of holding opions that they’ve never expressed. That’s not a nice thing to do.

This thread is bizarro world. LD, abandon fucking ship.

I think you’re right, Nzinga. You’ve always been the voice of reason.

Vendetta against porn? Nah, porn’s nothing. I don’t care who is in it, who is watching it, or what you or anyone else in this thread is into. Whatever keeps ya indoors. I’m just glad that I don’t have to date a guy who thinks that real, live women are all begging to be used and humiliated in the bedroom. But hopefully there’s a lid for your pot, too!

Are you determined to convince everyone on this board that you’re a compulsive liar? You’ve done little more than slander anyone in this thread who disagrees with you.

Jesus wratchet down the defensiveness a bit. Lots of women are submissive and subservient and all porn is real. Better?

Seriously, you need to knock it off.

Are we even reading the same thread? :confused:

colander, Troppus and Labrador Deceiver, all three of you knock of the snarky comments and take it to the Pit if you want to go after each other.
Stop the personal hijack in this thread after this post.

In fact, this whole thread has pretty much dissolved into a lot of curt and short replies at one another, let’s pull back on the snarkiness and sarcasm and ease up on the hostility.

Yes. If you didn’t see the implication in her post, I don’t know what to tell you.

There’s a huge gulf between a little snark and someone making up shit about other posters.

Then if you have a problem with another poster, feel free to report the posts you think are rule-breaking, open a Pit thread about them or ask question in ATMB.

Let’s end it in this thread, everyone.

Dang, really, leave the thread for a day or two and what happens…

But yeah, back to the original Thread Subject, I have at times wondered if it’s really just me having a “kids, get off my lawn” episode or the new generation really has become so twisted by porn. Usually I conclude that the latter tends to be real but overestimated and what I see is mostly part of a generalized social drift towards getting to the point, combined with youth’s usual cluelessness as to what is it that’s actually the point.

Yet, at the same time, the easy exposure to real porn online (whether the degrading kind or the humdrum just tawdry kind) when combned with the always-on-the-network-not-much-care-for-privacy lifestyle of todays youth WOULD, for many, create an impression that hey, then it’s not such a big deal to let it all hang out visually or textually, as long as you don’t match the worst of the worst.

Maybe at some point it becomes so that ostracizing and blackballing everyone for whom the search engines come up with exhibitionistic/voyeuristic/crass material in their timeline will leave us without a viable workforce, and it becomes a combination of “so what if there are pictures of you at an orgy five years ago” with “in the here-and-now relationship/job you WILL behave yourself”. Who knows if that could be achieved.

(* On one of the subjects of the hijack: There are some acts that are nor *per se *degrading or violent, unless the players make it so by doing it in a degrading or violent manner. However, if you have only ever seen it performed in the degrading or violent manner, I can understand how someone could conclude that is the way it is “expected” to be done [both as horrified observer and as clueless potential participant]. IRL of course many of us **will **for the sake of our partners give them pleasure by doing things that do not immediately get **us **off.)

Agreed with all, ** JRDelirious**. Horrified is too strong a word though, unimpressed, uninspired, and unconvinced fits better. As has been said, any of those acts as foreplay or the occasional treat seems normal, but to a couple generations desensitized to mere nudity, shock and fetish porn have become mainstream. Most of it isn’t favorable or flattering to women, but hey, maybe the same desensitization has led the girls to seek that stuff, too.
I think you’re right, social drift seems likely, and like all trends there will probably be a backlash and widely available porn will skew overly romanticized and boring as hell.

Here’s the crux of the OP, and so far what nobody’s done is to cite the scientific study it asks for.

Why do young women post sex pics of themselves? IMHO, as a form of masturbation, of course. And to enjoy their sexual power. There’s a wonderful moment that girls experience that boys have no exact equivalent to: the realization that she has something that they really, really want.

As for the nasty porn: Louis Theroux interviewed members of the industry in the mid-90’s, and they saw that the extreme stuff was crowding out the mainstream. “Ten years from now they’ll show trains being driven up somebody’s ass.” True, but so what? Everything is overdone: sports, fashion, art, etc. all seems to be a grotesque parody.

And speaking from pre-internet experience, porn isn’t going to make young guys lousy lays. We come factory-standard that way. No porn, good or bad will effect that. The only remedy happens when nice women take us to bed and do what they can.