Okay, so there’s this girl. We’ll call her, oh, Sam, because I find very charming women with monosyllabic, masculine monikers (and alliteration).
Sam hates her job. Not in the “after work, happy hour, dish about your job but it’s really no worse than any other soul-crushing office work” way. I mean in a “perfectly fine weekend can be effectively shat on with the realization that she must return to hell soon enough” way. Without getting into too much detail, aside from the job itself being just plain awful, the boss is an epic cunt who doesn’t even mask her personal contempt for Sam in the slightest veneer of cordiality or professionalism. It’s insane. It’s so oppressive, that this company may have a faster turnaround time than McDonald’s. Sam, until very recently, steered clear of Epic Cunt’s ire, but someone else who had never been so fortunate quit after 3 weeks. After nearly 2 in the line of fire, it’s perfectly understandable why the poor gal threw up her hands and said “Fuck this” so early. It is truly hell on earth.
Now keep in mind, Sam ain’t no lily-livered little bitch who gets all butthurt every time sunshine isn’t directly in her ass, but still, there’s only so much abuse any sane person (no matter how thick-skinned) can take, especially while trapped in a tiny little company where there’s nowhere else to turn, before needing to get the hell out. In a company this size, there’s no complaint dept. The crazy cunt IS the complaint dept.
So here are Sam’s dilemmas. Clearly, she needs to get the fuck out of Dodge before she buys a gun and kills the shit out of some people. BUT – ah yes, the “but” should be clear. 1) You look like a job-hopping loser when you quit your job after 4 months. There’s an otherwise stable job history, but it looks fishy when you leave your job so soon after starting. Any way around this or no? 2) What does one say if asked about why leaving so soon. I’m certain many employers will just shitcan the resume immediately when looking at the 4-mo stay at the current job. But let’s visit fantasyland for a second and imagine someone’s interested because the resume is otherwise solid, and asks the very obvious question: Why the move so early? What is an employer-friendly answer to this? You can’t say “I didn’t like it, because the boss was a whore.” What are legitimate grievances one can state that doesn’t make the interviewer write down on his note pad “Does not get along with others. Not a team player”?
Just how fucked, on a scale of 1-10, is Sam, and if there’s some daybreak in the fuckedness, what is good-sounding but still honest way to explain the move?
I thank you. I mean, Sam thanks you.