I tend to remain pretty ignorant about most matters political, as I find it frustrating that it is soo hard - if not impossible - to get straight information instead of “spin.” But I was wondering if anyone would be willing to help me out here.
I was just reading this thread about folks crying treason over the outing of Valerie Plame, and I realized how little I knew about the recent investigation of the Valerie Plame matter and the conviction of Scooter Libby. Would anyone be willing to briefly explain why - if the outing of VP was “a bad thing”, the end result of the investigation was for SL to be convicted of (as I understand it) lying during the course of the investigation? Did any identified individual commit a crime in ordering the relase of VP’s identity, releasing her identity, or reporting her identity?
I understand some individuals were given immunity. With what purpose? To convict one guy of lying under oath? Were any conclusions/charges made concerning the activity itself, rather than peoples’ actions during the course of the investigation?
I post this in GP, because I anticipate some folks might want to argue that the investigation’s success/failure were politically motivated.