Recently obtained copy of my son’s mental assessment done the end of 2010 is completely, extrememly incorrect, with mistakes, statements said my son made and did not, almost each paragraph is incorrect plus there is a section for RISk Factors which is completely X’d for each and every item and we are told it was a “computer glitch” and anyone who reads it will “know.”
This assessment was used by the probation officer who made the PSI (prsentence investigation report) which was given to the judge to sentence my son and he was given an overly excessively long sentence (for something he actually did not even do).
I have spoke the local cmh who said an attachment could only be put with it. I talked with director of recipient rights who will not expunge the entire assessment and redo another. I have recently contacted the contract manager for cmh for the state of Michigan. No word yet.
We want and believe the entire assessment should be expunged and redone because it is so incorrect. The clinician who done the assessment should not even do these because she must be inadequate. We wonder how many other lives she has affected with her ignorance and inadequacies to this this type of work?
I want to know if I need to go Federal and where? Or must we go to court to get this expunged? Anyone have any ideas that have worked for them? Please email me if you like.