
Cats are the internet.

Fleas. They serve NO purpose but to annoy.

Last summer, my friend’s cat had a litter of kittens and fleas killed all of the little guys. :frowning:

We just got rid of a bedbug infestation in our library. They had to bring in bug-sniffing beagles and portable heat tents to sterilize the furniture.

Fleas are that powerful??

Spiders. Because FUCK SPIDERS

In my neck of the woods, you welcome mosquitos since you can actually kill them. I would get rid of the black flies. Oh how I hate those things. They leave big, bloody welts on you. :mad:

Bedbugs keep yu clean between the toes, roaches keep you clean between the legs.

Yes, nature’s douchbags are certainly mosquitoes…

I’ll go with the candiru fish. Yes, to swim upstream through piss might sound magnificent and laudable, but I don’t see how the ecosystem could possibly be affected. We may have more catfish to catch!

Quokkas aren’t too bad. They will sneak into your tent and eat your food (but leave a whole lot of little licorice all-sorts as replacements), but they don’t generally use their Cutsie-Powers for evil.

I’m for the eradication of certain spiders - of the particular species Ginormous McFuckbastards.

Mosquitoes suck. Fuck them and the wind they came in on.

Pinchingbugs. Little buggers terrorized me as a child.

Get rid of the chimps. Do it now before it’s too late.

Based on several documentaries released since the 1960s they’re the only species which has any chance of overcoming the humans. Think of your grandchildren, enslaved by talking chimps!! :eek:

Malaria is spread by one species of mosquitos, so those are they guys who are on my hit list. Vongrats, we have now just eliminated one of the world’s greatest killers of children and massively increased productivity in areas where people are sapped of their vitality by chronic malaria.

Water moccassins. I hate it when you’re trying to swim in a pond or river and they bite you in the face.

Flea bite anemia can certainly be fatal in neonates.
[sub]I won’t rant about unnecessary litters from flea-ridden cats, I swear![/sub]

I know I am going to take hell for this, but I select the Puritan Tiger Beetle. Here is a little light reading on the subject: http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2010/01/24/AR2010012402962.html

tl:dr version: There are 11 populations of this beetle left on Earth. One of those populations is in the cliffs along the Chesapeake Bay in my HOA. The cliffs are eroding, causing the people that live across the street from me to lose real estate every few years. The people are not allowed to shore up the cliffs because that would destroy the habitat of these beetles. Over 25% of all living species on Earth are beetles. We won’t miss this one species, which is already endangered. Shoring up the cliff would also allow the southern end of my street to be opened again, which would cut 10 minutes each way off my commute every day. I know that I am being selfish, but if this beetle did something special, other than facilitate the erosion of the cliffs, I would not mind. If they were responsible for pollinating a crop or if they were the sole food source for some other animal, I would not mind.

Crows or pigeons. Your pick.

Crows! I swear these noisy bastards are going to send me to prison one day. I live in a city, none of these insects mentioned seem to effect me. Those fucking birds, though. I swear one morning I’m just going to start shooting!

Mosquitoes. Or cats. Let some more birds live and they won’t poop in my damn yard.

Amusing answer; politicians, I think they’re some kind of virus…

Serious answer; ticks (and the Lyme disease they carry)