I had a double row of bottom incisors when I was 7-8 years old. That is to say, My four bottom primary teeth were joined by their successors directly in back. Candy always got stuck in there.
My ex-boyfriend had extra teeth near the front section that screwed up the alignment of the rest of his teeth. Those got pulled. Later on, some more teeth came in and screwed up the alignment of his teeth again. Sheesh… I dunno how that one works, but hopefully when he gets those teeth pulled, more won’t grow back in their place.
Apparently my grandfather-in-law had all his teeth removed in preparation for a set of falsies - and got quite a surprise when they all grew back a while later!
I am currently in possession of all 33 adult teeth. two wisdoms on top left I think. It really blew when dentist’s mind when he discovered it in the x-ray. He wanted to remove it. I didn’t return to the dentist.
No extra teeth, but I had only three wisdom teeth, all of which are gone now. I’ve seen my x-rays and there’s nothing else hanging around down in there to give me trouble.
I’m not sure if I actually had any extra in total; About twice as many adult molars as normal erupted on my lower left jaw, none at all erupted on my lower right (the dentist said at the time that it seemed plausible that something got a little mixed up early on and the cells that would become my adult lower molars all ended up on the one side).
There was nothing to push out my milk teeth on the lower right side and I still have one milk tooth there (I’m 35 years old now).
Because they move the s**t out of all the rest, Quonk, and that craps out your bite. I only had one wisdom tooth (go figure, duh) but it played havoc with the rest of the teeth alignment on my upper jaw. Had it pulled.
I wonder which is more common, extra teeth or “missing” teeth? My dentist was quite upset the first time I had teeth x-rays taken (I was probably 5 or so) because the x-rays showed that I was going to be short one permenent tooth. My mom is missing the same one, so she wasn’t really surprised. I did keep the baby tooth until it cracked in two and had to be pulled when I was 19, though; that surprised a whole new dentist
I’ve got all the regular teeth and there are 4 wisdom teeth just waiting to cause trouble (my dad only had three, so I obviously didn’t get his teeth), but the strangest thing was a tiny “mini-tooth” in the back of my mouth. It was about the size of the end of a toothpick, and IIRC, it was like a tiny little molar. My dad pulled it out with a pair of pliers when I was about 7. He didn’t realize that it was actually a tiny tooth until it came out. We both thought it was something that was stuck into my gum. Kind of weird.