extremely ordinary simple things that give you great satisfaction

-thunderstorms during warm evenings in the dorm
-writing letters
-high-quality ink pens
-making the bed
-fresh laundry
-driving a 5-speed down the highway with an oldies station on
-walking through art museums
-unpacking after a trip
-playing with kittens
-taking a nap with my boyfriend
-flipping through new textbooks
-catching up on comics
-sitting on the windowsill reading
-playing “Chopsticks” on a piano
-taking pictures of friends and family

Kisses from my wife
The smell of fallen leaves
A good hot shower in the morning
Hearing my bird whistle at me when I come home
Warm homemade bread with butter on it
An ice cold beer on a warm summer evening
Picking a tomato fresh from our garden and eating it with a little bit of salt on it

I see here I’m not as original as I thought:

Sheets that were dried outdoors
Sleeping with the window open in the rain
Brand new socks
Baby animals…and people
Grilled cheese, but it has to be Wonder Bread, which I never use for anything else.
Hot chocolate with cinnamon
The smell of cedar

The tiny little toadlets that hop across my doorstep. Hee!

-My little sister’s smile
-Loud, loud thunderstorms
-Perfect, clear blue sky
-Holding the door for people
-The smell of a recently discharged firearm
-A perfect hamburger (medium, with American cheese, two slices of tomato, lettuce, and a touch of garlic)
-My mom’s spaghetti
-Fig Newtons
-Writing a chunk of code and having it compile and work the first time
-Long, David Gilmour guitar solos
-Beautiful classical music
-Fixing things
-Nihilistic amusement

[li]Garlic bread[/li][li]New socks[/li][li]My Dover-Dog smiling at me[/li][li]My backpack[/li][li]Going outside, late at night, and being startled by the crisp, bright stars[/li][li]Snow falling at night in the beam of a streetlight[/li][li]My bed with fresh, cool, tucked in sheets[/li][li]A new book, and time to read it[/li][li]Getting an instant message from a friend[/li][li]Knowing there’s no school tomorrow[/li][li]Blue skies[/li][li]The airport[/li][li]Luggage[/li]Fireworks

singing when no one can hear you
watching people who don’t know you’re there
my guitar case
thunder storms
grilled cheese, when it’s perfect
laying in the grass on a clear night watching the stars
back rubs
finally understanding
cleaning rooms that are entirely your own
hand-made pottery
doing a math problem where everything cancels at the end
stationary aisles, office supply stores
sleeping in a cold room with lots of blankets
melted wax
comfortable silences
green tea
long car trips by yourself

Dixon Ticonderoga # 2 pencils
A high quality ballpoint pen
A new pen with a new notebook ready for whatever my whim wishes to put in it.
Slipping into fresh starched white sheets with clean shaven legs
Packages of anything in the mail
Getting a personal letter
Antiques Roadshow
A good nap
Seeing someone else get up on the subway for an old lady
New socks
Matching bra and underwear sets
Getting my hair to not do the flippy thing is does on one side
Having everybody laugh at something you said
Sunshine through light rain – instant mysticality
Being in a bad mood when you get in your car and your favorite song is playing
The smell of the beach
Fresh laundry
Sheets that were dried outdoors
The smell of cedar
The tiny little toadlets that hop across my doorstep
Going outside, late at night, and being startled by the crisp, bright stars
The airport
Cleaning rooms that are entirely your own
Sleeping in a cold room with lots of blankets
Being able to post my thoughts (or steal excellent and perfectly relevant posted thoughts from others!)

And to these I add:

New faire garb
The way real-life is in black and white under yellow street lights
Just taking the time to take a few good, deep breaths, especially outdoors
The crispness in the air (even in Southern California) which lets you know it is becoming autumn
Watching friends or loved ones exercising their special gifts
Familiar faces in a hometown parade
Christmas traditions
KPBS cooking shows and Travels in Europe on Saturdays

One springs to mind. Finishing the Telegraph Crossword. It doesn’t happen very often though.

black ink roller ball pens – brand new by the box.

The smell and feel of a newly opened bar of soap.
A clear, cool day.
The scent of the ocean on a clear cold day.
A fresh, clean pillowcase on my pillow.
Water colors in the pallet in a rainbow of hues.
The scent of artists oil paints.

The feel of unwashed, new blue jeans.
The touch and smell of a new book.
The sight (a rare one) of my two cats sleeping back to back on my bed without blood shed.
A fresh, new stack of typewriter paper on my clipboard, ready for my thoughts to be scribbled down.

The scent of good perfume or hair wash on a woman.
Lightening bugs
A field of scattered, colorful wild flowers.
Those bright, metallic colored Dragonflies.
Watching grade school kids tumble out of school for the day.

Bright colors.
Brand new T-shirts and briefs.
Watching South Park.
A great, simple hamburger.
The scent, texture and flavor of a great, fresh pizza.
Watching pretty women and girls.

Great friends and coffee and good conversation.

Sleeping with the one person i love most in the world
an amazing song
the sun
my home
my mom’s cooking
an evening at home, alone

Hugs and kisses from my wife.
Literary discussions with my daughter.
The companionship and shared experiences with my son.
Oatmeal Raisin cookies, fresh out of the oven with ice cold milk.
Archery, in any way, any day.
Hunting camp and being in the woods with my friends.
A summmer storm with the rain, lightning and thunder.

-Searching for and finding the first signs of perennials poking through the soil in early spring - maybe the first snowdrop. So green after the winter. So much more rewarding than the profusion that follows.
-The song of a cardinal, especially early in the morning, begins around Groundhog Day in Chi.
-Scratching a dog so their leg kicks.
-When my kids come to meet me as I walk home from the train, or run and jump in my arms when I come in the door.
-Pulling weeds on a warm day in a light drizzle.
-Folding wooden carpenter’s rulers and drafting tools.
-Hammering nails well.
-Getting the closest parking spot.
-The point when you are reading a book, and after a couple of hundred pages you realize you really like it, and realize that it is also quite long so you have several hundred more pages to enjoy.
-When you strike a long putt, 20 feet or more, and at one point about 10 feet or so from the hole you just know it is going in.
-A nice piece of wood.
-Big trees.

Freshly sharpened Sanford “American Naturals” HB2 pencils
Uniball Vision Micro pens
100% cotton fiber Crane Thesis paper
Fresh tree ripened peaches
Blue and white skies, over green hills
Old trees
Singing out loud when no one is around, except maybe that baby
Thunder and lightning, wind and rain, and dark skies in daylight


I am a hayfever sufferer. My sinuses itch and my nose runs on a regular basis. Especially in the morning, about 10 minutes after waking up when all your body systems start really waking up too.

Taking a Kleenex (tm, and yes, it has to be a Kleenex, preferably one of those double thick ones), and just blowing, really loud and really hard, so that it vibrates my whole head. It just feels soooo good.

See, when your sinuses itch, the vibration… oh, nevermind. But hopefully other allergy sufferers know what I’m talking about.

At least I didn’t write about the simple pleasures of other bodily funtions…A clean seat…

OK, maybe this is a better one:
That time of year, spring & fall, when it’s cool enough at night to sleep with a pile of comforters on top of you (the weight!) and yet warm enough in the morning that you’re not cold when you get out of bed.

-Tootsie Pops. (specifically the cherry ones)

-Any moment of any day that I can spend with my nephew.

-Smiles–not from anyone specific, just smiles.

-Getting into a car with the intention of getting lost.

-Being able to find my way back home.

A Guinness at the right temerature, in the right glass, in a cool bar.
A quiet night at home alone.
A long drive in my car, with no real purpose other than to explore.
Fixing a computer problem that has had me stumped for a long time.
Taking the train into NYC, and wondering where all of the other people are going/doing.

The morning sun shinning on your bed when you wake up
Seeing the deep blue sky all the way to the horizon
That hot hot shower first thing in the morning
The smell of brewing coffee at 9,000 feet in May in the Rocky Mountains
The feel when German brown hits that fly
A Taylor ham sandwich on a Kaiser roll
Best of all –
Lying next to your SO bodies sweaty, heart slowing, and the deep feeling of peace


Dozing in a hammock in the backyard
Driving down narrow, winding country roads with nothing but trees around.

new pens
a fresh legal pad
finding that perfect white or off-white sweater to buy. (For some reason, white and off-white seem more “perfect” to me)
my infant son sleeping in my arms
a really great soft nightgown
biting into a lemon bar
seeing my flower garden bloom
giving a compliment to a stranger
an ice-cold fountain diet pepsi on a hot day
really nice stationery
seeing a photo of myself that I don’t hate
having a new book by an author I love
watching squirrels
seeing birds at my feeders
the smell of freshly-planed wood shavings
having a good hair day (theoretical, as I’ve never actually had one)
making my husband laugh