extremely ordinary simple things that give you great satisfaction

My daughter is enamored of the name Mickey Morandini. He’s a ballplayer, and when she heard his name, she decided it pleased her greatly.

Some others:

Walking into the room and having my cat make a “prout” sound in greeting.
Ruffling my son’s hair as I walk past him.
My Schrade combination pliers tool. It’s way cool!
Listening to a ball game on the radio at night when it’s raining where I am, but not where they are.
Beethoven’s 9th Symphony, esp. the opening statement of the second movement. Glorious!
Vivaldi’s “The Four Seasons”
The Marx Brothers
The smell of new crayons.
Cool grass underneath bare feet.
The smell of wrapping paper after you’ve ripped it.
Reading in bed late at night until I can’t keep my eyes open any longer.

I see a lot of people posting favorite smells – didn’t some famous person say that smell is the most evocative sense? Here’s mine – the smell of a new puppy. Ours is five months old, and she still has it! Hasn’t needed a bath yet, which I know will remove it. Nothing like a deep whiff of the top of her head to perk me up (provided she doesn’t head-butt me in the process!).

This thread is fabbo!

My simple pleasures:
-My daughter’s smile when she knows she’s being clever
-Making blueberry pancakes
-Rainy, cloudy days filled with creative energy
-Ella Fitzgerald
-Stripes on a chipmunk
-Hearing a song that transports me to a forgotten memory
-Paying off a debt
-Fish tacos, made by someone who knows how
-The r-i-i-i-i-p! of removing a Biore nose strip
-Painting my toenails perfectly, no smudges

Anyone notice how much food we’re all mentioning? Reading this thread makes me want to EAT!


-watching a Hawaiian sunset or going to the beach knowing that many people out there would love to be where I am.

-guys’ hands, especially musicians’ or artists’ hands. They tend to be long and slim and strong with tapered fingers.

Um, it’s nice to hold those hands too. :smiley:

I don’t mean to offend you, MamaGeph, or anyone else… but I’ve heard of fish tacos before, and it referred to something entirely different…

One thing I find fascinating about this thread is just how many of the items mentioned are common to a lot of replies.

My cats on my lap
Dr Pepper(It reminds me of my grandpa, he loved it)
The sound of rain falling
A new book by a favorite author(this is another I’ve
seen already)
For some not so everday items I am thankful for:

   Open heart surgery(I have a father because of it)

-Sliding into clean sheets when you have just shaved your legs.

-Knowing you did the right thing, even if it wasn’t generally popular.

-A cool breeze on a hot day.

-A long, hot bath. With moisturizers.

  • A hug. Especially when you really need it, but you didn’t think anyone knew you did.

-Scoring a really big stack of books from the library, by authors that you already know you will REALLY love!

-Candles, especially blueberry scented.

-The smell of bread baking.

-Good music, with lyrics that MEAN somthing to you.

-A good nights sleep. I have found that the older I get, the harder this is to come by. Anyone have any advice?

-An unsolicited compliment from a child. 'Cuz, they say what they mean, and haven’t learned to make nice when they don’t really mean it. Spencer says “I Love You, Miss Cheri,” and I melt all over the floor.

-A good hair day. (When did I last have one?)

-All of you wonderful people on this board, who are there for everyone who needs you. You Rock!

What Wonko said about the Guiness

The feeling I get as I walk into a bookstore and know I’ll be leaving with a new book

drinking a good cup of coffee in a real coffee shop (very rare since I live in FL)

watching my children when they sleep

watching Good Eats on foodtv

Dear Baker-

I am so glad you still have your dad. I lost my mom three years ago to cancer, and I also bless the medical profession that allowed you to keep your dad. And bless you for loving him so much that you mention him in this thread.

I have been kind of a pain to everyone I know since I lost my mom, nagging them to be a viable part of their parent’s life. I don’t think we really EVER think our parents will die, until they do. I miss my mom so much, even after three years, sometimes if I am caught unaware, I actually “forget” that she is gone. In my heart, that is.

So, I appreciate your appreciation of your poppa. May he live forever, and be healthy the whole time!

Sorry if this is a hijack- I will go away now.


Wow! I really love this thread! It’s cool that a lot of things that I love are shared with others. Here are mine:
(only a few because one time I wrote a whole page of “my favorite things”)

*the smell of freshly-cut grass
*kittens, puppies, well, any young creature including babies
*playing in the rain and jumping in mud puddles
*getting flowers (even one dandelion would do)
*letters in the mail for me
*elderly people
*me and friends leaning on each other taking naps
*walks in the woods
*building snowmen
*finding out that there’s been a seat saved for me
*cruising on back roads on a bicycle
*eating (anything, I love food!)
*the feeling felt right after writing a poem and knowing that it’s a good one
*new pens (I know I’m not the first one to write that, but it’s so true, isn’t it?)
*going to the library and bringing back a whole huge pile of books to sit outside on my chaise lounge and read

Well, that’s all for now!

  • Blue Bunny French Vanilla Ice Cream
  • The Sunday paper
  • Catching an old “Star Trek” episode unexpectedly when casually flipping channels
  • Listening to him snore while he sleeps next to me
  • The Shawshank Redemption
  • The sound of dirt being sucked up into the vaccuum cleaner
  • The smell of gasoline while I am filling the tank

I’m so warm and fuzzy I could puke.
Seriously though, great thread.
I wanna give you all a big box of pens and buy a round of Dr. Peppers while we nap with our kittens during a rainstorm after cutting the grass.

My happys:
Listening to loud music in the car on the highway.
Finding out the other songs on the CD are even better than the one you bought it for.
My old, beat to hell, Doc Martin boots with the green laces.
Biker jackets.
Sunday funnies.
Days before Christmas.
Autumns in New England.
Dancing with strangers in nightclubs.
Getting the drawing right, at long last.
The smell of paint.
The Iron Giant.
Meeting like minded strangers.
Telling stories to large groups of people.
Being asked to “tell that funny story again”.
Not being able to stop laughing.
Snowball fights.
Getting a good haircut.
A smile from a pretty girl.
Listening to headphones late at night.
Summers on the porch.
Old photo albums.
Hand written letters.
Knowing someone has a crush on you.
Having a crush on someone.
Overhearing something nice being said about you.
Rewinding a cassette tape and stoping it exactly where you wanted to.
Beaches at night.
The smell of women’s hair.
Perfume on an attractive woman passing by.
Happily married elderly couples.
Woody Allen movies.
Calvin & Hobbes.
Soft serve ice cream.
Toys R Us.
Seeing movies with enthusiastic children.
Staying up all night talking with someone, till it’s way too late.
The smell of firecrackers.
Making silly lists like this:)

  • Sipping tea on my balcony at night
  • Laying on my bed listening to the stream outside my window
  • Listening to the rain
  • Playing in the snow, especially snowball fights
  • Talking to friends for hours, until you forget what time it is, and you really don’t care
  • Finding that last data error at work
  • Smiling at someone and having them smile back

And one that won’t happen again, but it brought me a HELL of a lot of satisfaction:

  • Making the final payment on your first car.

I can’t believe I forgot this:

Icee!!! Or Slurpees, if I have no Icee options.

Goodness! Almost everything that makes me happy is simple.

-Esoteric music that hits me just right
-Good writing
-Knowing just how to shimmy through a calc problem (or trig)
-Meeting wonderful people
-Wearing glitter
-Finding out that my big tough tomcat wants to cuddle
-More hugs
-Staying up all night talking about everything with a good person
-Open toed sandals so I can wiggle my toes
-Bare feet on wet grass
-Dancing in the rain
-Friends online when I am

Oh yea, and hugs!

Wow so I’m not the only one who likes snow.

My list:

  • My dog sleeping at my feet
  • Snow angels
  • Thunder and lighting
  • That feeling of rushing down the mountain on skis. It’s the closest thing to flying
  • Tomatoes out of my garden
  • An experiment that comes out right the fist time
  • Diet Coke
  • Phone calls from friends I haven’t talked to in a long time
  • Ponytails
  • Sitting down in my car after I’ve been standing all day, and I have that tingly feeling in my feet
  • Coffee
  • Days when I don’t have to do anything
  • Children laughing
  • Moms (mine or anyone elses, moms are cool)

Lavendar oil on my pillow.
Giving presents to my friends and family.
Swimming in the lake.
Patchwork quilts.
Musical theater.
Memorizing a good poem.
Singing in the shower.
Swing dancing.
Playing in fountains late at night.
Puppy kisses.
Buying new books.
Strawberry sodas with cream.
Taking my friends out to dinner.
French onion soup from the local diner.
Road trips.
Receiving a handwritten letter.
Buys flowers for myself or for someone else.
Walking through the rain.
Victoria’s Secret cotton underwear.
Milky Gel pens.
Watching homevideos from when I was little.
Looking at pictures of my grandmother when she was young.
Playing cheesy boardgames.
The way the sunlight filters through the blinds in my room.
Upping my pathetic post count. :wink: