Extremely rare things that have happened to you ... twice.

Some kid climbs up there and eats, among probably other things, peanut butter.

Not making a big deal about it :), but . . .

This reminds me of the joke about the statistician who never would fly because he didn’t like the odds of there being a bomb on the plane, despite it being really remote.

Then one day he started to fly. When his fellow statisticians asked why, he said he calculated the odds of there being two bombs on a plane were close to absolutely zero, so he started to bringing his own bomb with him.

Unless the act of getting engaged is something which is less of a person’s own will than in my experience, then I wonder if this “rare things which happen to you.” I also wouldn’t be at all surprised that a person who gets engaged once before going on a date would do the same thing twice.

Squirrels. They were snitching empty (except for the coating inside the jar that’s always left behind) PB jars out of someone’s recycling bin and taking them up the tree, thinking they’d hit the jackpot. The second time, I turned back after walking past and saw a squirrel rescuing the jar.

I’ve been interrogated twice by FBI agents. Two separate incidents, two separate FBI agents; years apart. Maybe not all that rare.

As of last night…

I’ve been set on fire twice. Flaming hair both times.
First was by some guy sipping high proof vodka and blowing fireballs. Set hair on my head on fire.
Last night was a cooking accident - reached across a burner and set fire to hair on my arm.

Didn’t feel it either time. First time due to copious amounts of EtOH. Hell, I didn’t even remember it until the guy apologized to me a week later for setting me on fire. Last night didn’t feel it due to apparent nerve damage. Seems I am not detecting temperature changes well.

I’ve had a butterfly land on my knee twice. Once at college (not sure what kind it was), once in my backyard, (mourning cloak).

You’ve mentioned this before. For those of us who don’t know what to google, enlighten us, please.

This is not extremely rare but it’s happened to me three times, not just twice. Three men have proposed marriage to me over the phone.

If I had said yes to any of them, then like Saint Cad I could have been engaged before a first date. None of these were men who I ever dated. Two of them were friendly acquaintances, one was a friend from work.

So, a piece of romantic advice based on my experience: don’t propose to a woman over the phone.

Exactly. This is why I always text.

I was going to post about how recently in two visits to the same store songs by the same group* started playing as I walked in.

But then I realized: The first one was hardly rare. It was the second time that stood out. So it had to happen on 3 visits (which didn’t) in order for there to be 2 rare events.

Ditto with the above posters with Chicken Pox. The first is not really rare, especially if you grew up pre-vaccine. So the only the second was rare. You need to have a 3rd occurrence to get two rare ones.

The PB jars, OTOH. Yep, two will do it.

  • The Go-Gos. Our Lips Are Sealed and We Got the Beat.

Maybe not so rare in the Southwest, but it got my attention. Finally. I almost stepped on a rattlesnake. Twice in the same summer.

Two weeks ago I watched “Feud” then clicked over to an old “The Facts of Life” episode, just in time to catch Natalie quoting the line “cuz yah are Blanche, yah are!”

Last night I watched another ep of “Feud” then hopped in my car to run an errand and the song in the radio was . . . “She’s Got Bette Davis Eyes.”

Pretty nifty coincidences!

I’ve been hit on top of the head twice by a fish dropped by a seagull. Once when snorkeling bbq in La Jolla, CA, and the other in Mazatlan (Mexico). Both really hurt.