F*ck Trump

I don’t see Democrats as being able to achieve much absent of a major national crisis. There has to be a consensus, and that consensus is probably only going to come about through shared pain. I’m not even sure that Democrats are united on anything right now other than their horror over Trump, but this sort of thing has played itself out in other countries, and despite the fact that 60-70% of the population viscerally dislikes the government in charge, its not going to do shit unless it can unify opposition. That’s one of the beauties of a strong, stable two-party system. And the trend in recent years, on both sides of the political spectrum, is to abandon the center left v center right dichotomy. This has consequences.

The irony of someone like Trump is that they can actually become stronger with outrage. Polarization weakens extremists when there is a stable establishment in place. When the establishment parties collapse - which they have - then polarization works to the advantage of whoever has the strongest faction among multiple factions. Trump appeals to white christian nationalism, and in this country, that’s still unfortunately a pretty potent tribe to be reckoned with.

I’m glad we’re in the Pit so I can tell you what a foul-mouthed dolt you are. Just sayin.

First: It wasn’t just one accuser, but at least three. Plus male friends of Kavanaugh attesting that he was a drunkard who groped women at parties. I guess Fox didn’t tell you that, hunh?

Plus: If Kavanaugh is the sort who will respond as you describe in the excerpt I’ve reddened, how can anyone imagine he was qualified to be a judge? (Not that there was any doubt about that for anyone who watched Kavanaugh’s pathetic performance in the Senate hearing.)

I don’t remember any previous posts by DJ Motorbike. But now I know he’s just another heinous Trump-licking moron…

BTW: Do other humans agree with me that the horrendous performance by Kavanaugh — his bitter conspiracy rant against Democrats, his cross-examination of Klobuchar — should have completely disqualified him even if the the charges against him were all false?

The confirmation of Kavanaugh was a very very sad day in the history of American democracy. I hope I’m wrong, but my money is now betting with the pessimists.

Some 2400 law professors (according to UltraVires, all liberals, but I didn’t check his work) did, as did the ABA. Nobody should have voted for Kavanaugh after that performance. It’s now blatantly obvious that he will not be an unbiased judge, and that his partisanship is substantial. If I acted like that at a job interview to become a fucking fry cook I’d be escorted out by security. It’s fucking shameful.

Sure, when Trump is president then it’s time to stuff the Supreme court with shit. That’s in keeping with the theme.

Kav has zero gravitas, is a crybaby, doesn’t seem to know the law (presidential immunity) or how to conduct himself under senatorial scrutiny. Complete disaster.

This. Whatever happened 30 years ago, he demonstrated just last week he is still a complete slave to his emotions. Kind of the opposite of what you want in a position whose principle role is to read and translate the text and intent of a 250 year old document and apply it to today’s legal issues.

He’s a goddamned joke. Trump is a goddamned joke. AMERICA is a goddamned joke for allowing itself to become more ignorant and selfish than a spoiled 3 year old. Frankly, I hope the USA crumbles and that we see 50+ years of horror and neofeudalism. It would do us no end of good, and we fucking deserve it.

Bolding mine.

No. 26% of eligible voters deserve it.

No. 100% of eligible voters deserve it. Even those who opposed Trump failed to present a viable candidate to oppose him–just a spinoff from a previous presidency and a kind but unconvincing old fellow on the Democrat side, and dozens of raving right-wing ideologues on the Republican side. Trump was by all accounts a charlatan–he could have been flayed alive by anyone possessed of average political competence and intellect. America, apparently, couldn’t or wouldn’t find such a person. We all deserve him.

As long as Americans allow themselves to be told they are anything other than a nation of different but equal minds, we will continue to be divided and conquered along whichever division you can contrive. Racial, economical, political, whatever. Civil discussion and acceptance of differences is not only vanishingly rare but derided on all sides.

Whatever proportion of the remaining 74% of voters that didn’t show up to offset that 26% equally deserve it.

Don’t lump me or any of the other millions of people who didn’t particularly care for Clinton or Bernie but spoke ardently against Trump with your self-flagellation. I didn’t “deserve him”, and neither did many others horrified to see fellow citizens turn toward prejudice and bigotry.


It could have been done if his primary contenders would have had the yarbles to step right up to his face and call bullshit on him on day one, rather than try to wait him out in the hope to harvest his voters once he was gone.

Sounds like he is too sensetive to be on the court.

We need people who can stand up if they are going to claim a lifetime job on my dime.

Everyone’s participation in “Trump Is More Evil Than Hitler” thread #65382649275451295637 is noted.

Your participation trophies will be mailed out in the morning…

Just a clarification, mods: We’re allowed to say “Fuck you” in the Pit, directly to another Doper, now, right?

Affirmative. Fire away.