F*ck Trump

Even Samantha Bee is Canadian IIRC. (I’m not a fan, but the lead host for The Young Turks was born in … Turkey!)

Not only that, but very often when I see an article on injustice in America it’s from a London news source or Reuters. (Al-Jazeera and RT also provided good critical articles but I don’t get there anymore. Google isn’t showing the links and reading news is VERY low on my to-do list.) Meanwhile CNN is great I’m sure for pointless horse-race trivia. (Injustices abound but we’re glued to our seats wondering if the vote will be 51-49 or 52-48.)

There’s just enough floating around that Trump can screech ‘good news!’ that looks like good news (if only in the short term) that will get his idiot supporters in a tizzy.
Scratch just below the surface and you see the abyss that is waiting in a couple of years when the bills come due.
Trump is the luckiest president of all time. He did literally -zero- actual work to get to be president.
The only thing he’s done all his life is be born with a rich dad and help dodge taxes and screw people over to stay rich.
He then inherits an economy that was well into a long-running expansion that started out with six years under Obama, Trump is now claiming credit for the tail end.
As much as I would hate another recession, a part of me would love to see a full-fledged crash just to see how Trump would try to blame the black guy that’s been out of office for two-plus years.

Kav was a Bush Jr. appointed moderate neocon appointed by Trump to make sure that the nominee would be palatable to the more spineless republicans and ensure his confirmation before the midterms. But now that he’s been subjected to the circus of manufactured outrage my guess is that he’s not soon going to forget his treatment. He’s likely become hardened against leftism and will never be swayed to vote in favor of anything other than strict adherence to an originalist interpretation of the constitution.

Complete backfire.

Have Clinton convicted by the Senate and removed from office in 1998 and you almost guarantee that outcome. Think of it, no W administration, no Iraq War. And just for letting one man suffer the consequences of his egotistical, self-entitled dishonest behavior.

I guess that would mean no Obama administration, because Bush is partly what made Obama possible, but it would also, almost certainly, mean no Trupm.

Translation: Blahblahblahblahblah It’s the Democrats fault because Republicans can do no wrong blahblahblahblah. One thing the last month or so has taught me…people who think the Kavanaugh accusations were Democratic ratfucking are horrible human beings who can go do things I’m not allowed to tell them to do on this message board.

How about the alternative timeline where Dole beats Clinton in 96 and 9/11 happens during his second term. Would he have been stupid enough to go to war with Iraq under false pretenses? Hard to know probably not as I don’t see Dole as someone who would have thought “god” told him to “liberate” Iraq. Still wouldn’t get Obama as Dole’s second term would be over in 2004 when Obama hadn’t yet made the jump to national politics. Maybe we would have seen a race between Hillary and McCain in 2004.

I don’t think there’s any scenario in which Obama doesn’t become President eventually – he’s just too talented politically to not eventually decide to run for statewide office and then the Presidency. Maybe if things had gone differently he would have been someone’s VP first, but he would have eventually become President.

Consider for a moment, hypothetically, that the allegations were false. Not that Ford was lying, but perhaps she had mistaken him for someone else or was MK Ultra’d by the CIA or Mossad or the Russians or whatever. Just hypothetically. Imagine being falsely accused of organizing gang rapes and other preposterous nonsense when in fact it was not true. Imagine that televised and broadcast to the entire world. It would be a lot to go through.

Maybe he did it. I doubt it. If you’re wrong then the experience of having his name dragged through pig shit probably hardened him a great deal. Where he may have felt some responsibility to be a justice in the mold of Kennedy the man he’s replacing, I doubt he feels like it anymore. You probably won’t see him occasionally taking sides with Ginsburg and co. where there was a better than nil chance of that before.

Just sayin.

Democrats need to vote in these next two elections like never before. We need to take control of Congress, amend the Judiciary Act to add 4-6 more justices to the Supreme Court, and push through a slate of young liberal justices who will neutralize the Nazis on the bench right now.

It’s the only hope short of revolution that we have of saving democracy.

Other than him saying he didn’t do it - how did you arrive at your conclusion that he probably didn’t do it?

He was never anything other than a bigoted partisan hack, and was never going to be anything other than horrible.

And the tone argument is garbage, pushed by people like you in hopes the Democrats will adopt it and inevitably lose.

And I don’t believe for an instant that you doubt his guilt; like all his supporters I’m sure you’re gloating at getting a rapist on the court so you can rub it in the faces of women. I’m sure you like the idea that when you rape a woman she’s more likely to fear speaking out about it now.

I don’t even really like the guy all that much. Like I said above, despite what you’ve been told to believe he was a moderate neo-con pro NSA spying Bush appointee.

And really, he’s replacing Kennedy - generally thought of as a conservative on the bench but occasionally sided with the leftists. The makeup of the court isn’t even really changing all that much. And what you more than likely would have gotten would have been the same mushy conservative that Kennedy was. But you fools allowed yourselves to be whipped up into a frenzy. Now you’re really fucked.

The outcome would have been the same - that is - he would have been confirmed anyway. Now he’s confirmed, the democrats have blown loads of political capital on nothing, the hysterics coming out of all of it don’t play well & all the different factions on the right have galvanized. The right is energized and the left is demoralized.

And yes, I do doubt he did any of the things he was accused of. There were no corroborating witnesses, she couldn’t name a place, a time, anyone else who was present at this alleged party, how she got there, who was with her, nothing. Plus there were two other men who came forward and claimed they may have been responsible. When you examine the lack of evidence it becomes difficult to convict. But, you have to be in a sane, rational place for such examination.

Too little sanity these days. We’re headed for bad times.


Good point.

We probably passed the point of no return some time ago.

So - for the record, you have two people magically turning up, gallantly claiming that they were the ones that assaulted Ford, except neither is identified by name, neither has gone public with their admission - you believe them, but don’t believe Ford? Lindsey Graham, FFS, said they were ‘crazy as a loon’ and that he didn’t believe them.

How do you know there were no corroborating witnesses? The FBI didn’t interview anyone. Heck, they didn’t even interview Ford (who wanted it) or Kavanaugh (who very much did not).

Numerous others have made credible public statements about Kavanaugh’s drinking and outright lies to Congress - we know he’s capable of flat-out lies. We have no such evidence for Ford.

And yet you believe him, but not her?

You’re a disgusting piece of shit excuse for a human.

Well, there’s the fact that no-one but Ford remembers the alleged party where it allegedly happened actually occuring. It’s pretty clear that, whatever the actual truth is, it did not happen in the way Ford claims.

Whatever the truth is, after hearing Kavanaugh testify, I’m convinced it’s the opposite of whatever he says.

I’m convinced that Kavanaugh assaulted Ford but that he honestly believes he did nothing wrong. He has no recollection of the assault and he probably long ago moved on from any rumors about his conduct that might have circled back to him afterward. He probably looks back at it as being ‘young and dumb’ and a relatively harmless episode without having the slightest idea about what Ford experienced.

There are many things that are disturbing about the Kavanaugh confirmation, but the most troubling of them all is Kavanaugh’s blatantly misleading testimony and Senate republicans’ deliberate attempt to look the other way his flaws as a person were on full display. The constitutional guardrails that were meant to screen out unqualified people in government are clearly gone. We saw that when the Senate refused to confront Trump over his disastrous meeting with Putin, and we saw it once again this week.

What, you don’t trust a guy who yells and cries in his hearing to be considered for a Supreme Court justice, and who plays the, “I don’t know, do you?” game with a senator trying to ask whether the claims that he exhibited the teenage drinking behavior described by others was true?

Kavanaugh trashed his own credibility with his behavior in the hearing. Unfortunately, ost than half of the people in the Senate were willing to overlook that—some of them actively—to conceed to their party line (and Joe Manchin, who clearly saw how the vote was going to go, and calculated the votes he was going to lose versus doing the ethically right thing, and decided hanging on by his fingernails was a better move than making a statement, which has essentially turned him into a Trumper by default regardless of political affiliation), giving us a likely sexual assaulter and tempermentally unsuited jerk on the Supreme Court. Frankly, I’m not sure Gorsuch and Alito want him on the court and “in their corner”, but he’s in fine company with Clarence Thomas.


That’s the way I’ve been thinking lately. I would hate for it to happen, but since his voters seemed to want everything torn up then I would like them to find out what happens to THEM when their wish comes true. I know I’m being the same way they are, but I had no voice or say in this so all I can do is hope that reality strikes hard enough that this disgusting president can be driven out. Apparently it will need to be something cataclysmic for his base to turn on him.

Well, if that’s how he reacts then he’s just as wrong as anything he thinks was done to him. Not that I buy the story that he’s always been a moderate and is now justified in going right-wing nutcase for revenge. That doesn’t even make any sense. Any “moderate” who would do that was never a moderate to begin with.

And by the same token, I guess Obama would have been justified in going super left wing in response to all the shit he got from the GOP?

If he didn’t do it and was super hurt and angry, the extreme anger he displayed was something he should have kept to his private time, IMO. He and his enablers basically attacked the half of the country that agrees with Democrat calls for more scrutiny of him.

It doesn’t feel like this is ever going to happen. :frowning: