Okay, I’m venting. I’m venting at people that MAY have nothing to do with this, but the writing is on the wall, so to speak.
The kids next door to my friends’ house abuse their own dog. This turned out not to be enough fun, so they started abusing my friends’ dogs, too. No distinct proof of it, but wounded animals, apples, and the fact that the neigbors have an apple tree. Oh, than and later getting a window broken by a thrown apple.
My friends have gone the legal route, talking to city officials and the police, especially when the 10-year-old neighbor came over to the house with a chainsaw and cut up some of the bushes.
The kids smarted off to the cops, and the adults defended the kids. Way to instill values!
So today someone broke into my friends’ house and stole cash and electronics. They knew when my friends wouldn’t be home, they knew that the dogs, while intimidating, won’t acually bite, and they knew that the side door is often kept unlocked. The side door that faces that particular neighbor’s house.
Damnit, I want there to be some justice. Just a little bit of it. These kids are bastards of the highest degree. Just for the stuff they do to the dogs I’d like to see… something. I’m so mad right now I can’t even think what. But (assuming it’s them) when they cross the line into breaking and entering and theft… I know without a warrant or somesuch there’s no way to prove it. I know. It pisses me off because I feel so helpless to defend my friends. To make matters worse, I had thought about going over there today and just hanging out with the dogs. My friends tell me I shouldn’t second-guess my actions, but to have just been there so that this sh*t didn’t have to happen…
I feel helpless and frustrated, and I wish for justice.
That’s all. Back to your regularly scheduled browsing.