Facebook has grown into a bloated, diseased yak, and should be put out of its misery

I have this recurring fantasy - basically, I’m driving down a lovely country road on a beautiful, sunny day here in Indiana. I’m driving an old Chevy Silverado, with big old off-road Super Swamper tires. There’s an apple tree growing right by the side of the road, and I slow down, park next to, it and reach my arm out the window to pick one of the apples. I sink my teeth into it, and it tastes gloriously sweet. Then, my mouth still full of apple pulp, I suddenly find myself regurgitating what I’ve just begun to swallow. The reason why, is an absolutely horrible smell that’s causing me to become violently nauseous. I don’t know what it is or where it’s coming from, but it makes me drop the apple, and spit up what’s in my mouth, right out the window and onto the street.

I open the door to look around, trying to figure out what it is that’s causing the smell. Then I see it. There’s a dead yak lying right there in the road. Its fur is matted and tangled, and its skin is oozing with pus and dotted with bubonic sores, chancres, pustules, and boils. There are maggots crawling in and out of its flesh. I lean in closer, holding my hand over my mouth and nose - and then all of a sudden -


  • the corpse - or so I thought - emits a great bellow that rings out, constricting my scrotum. I jump back in shock, and take another look at the creature. To my horror, it is not dead. The noxious, bloated beast lying in the road is still alive.

This yak represents Facebook.

Facebook, the once-great website that allowed college students to find old friends from high school and link together in a social network, used to be like a super-improved and simplified Myspace. It was easy to use, streamlined, and slick. Then the applications started coming, and it turned into a convoluted piece of shit.

Just yesterday, I received an email, and this is what it said:


You uploaded a photo that violates our Terms of Use, and this photo has been removed. Among other things, photos containing nudity, drug use, or other obscene content are not allowed, nor are photos that attack an individual or group. Continued misuse of Facebook’s features could result in your account being disabled."

I was thrown. “What?” I thought. I could not recall ever uploading a single file to Facebook that in any way, shape or form would have been construed as obscene, containing nudity or drug use, or anything else that violated their policy. I looked through all of my albums and posted images, trying to figure out what it was that they removed. I couldn’t figure it out. Jesus Christ, you goddamn imbeciles, if you’re going to do this, at least TELL ME what picture it was that you had to take down!

I emailed them back, saying I was confused and that I hadn’t realized that I’d uploaded an inappropriate picture, and asking what picture it was. They never responded to me.

So I get back into that old Chevy truck and shift into reverse. With a sad, forlorn glance at the pathetic half-dead yak lying in the road, I back up a good twenty yards, and then begin to drive forward, the smell of flesh-rot and lonely animal death pervading my nostrils with each inch of macadam rolled over by the tires’ treads. When I reach the yak, the treads dig in, and I hear the bones crunching. I can hear the pustules bursting and the gas gangrene gurgling out of the creature’s carcass, and I have to tense the muscles of my abdomen to keep from vomiting. But finally, after the sickening ordeal, I put it out of its misery at long last.

It was the only way.

What’s your obsession with yaks?

But anyway, I agree, Facebook is getting extremely irritating to use. I have to scroll for ten minutes to get to some people’s wall, past all this “fun wall” shit, to actually view a message I wrote on their wall (half the time the “post message” thing just fails to work).

So what is the apple?

Generally this pitting rings true, but I think that Facebook has been intelligent enough to recignize these shortcomings and address them. I’ve switch over to the “new” Facebook that is currently in beta-testing and the applications and crap are moved to a “boxes” tab that keeps everyone’s front-page sane.

Look around on the Facebook for a means to switch to the new version, and you’ll probably do okay.

That was a valid complaint until a few days ago, when they shifted to the new layout. Which seems to me to be a very clear sweeping of rubbish applications like that out of the way of the main intended functions of the whole system.

There, I cleaned that yak drek up for ya.

I think you got a not-actually-from-Facebook spam.

Hmm…I wonder…

the address was “warning+5bbmya5x@facebookmail.com

Speaking as someone who gets email from FB all the time (from the admins too, since I’ve had my account disabled and then reinstanted three times so far), I can honestly say that I’ve never seen that sort of email, Argent Towers. Only from addy’s ending in “Facebook.com”.

I got no problem with Facebook. I just ignore the apps I don’t like.

OK, that’s where the email said it was from. Where was the email really from? Look at the headers to find out.

Just ignore this. It won’t work. By the way, I am the step-son of a recently deceased military leader in Ghana. You see he has this multi-million dollar bank account that I really need your help accessing…

yeah sure, I’ll do it, if you can get me some c1al!s and vi@gra and meet hot chinese singles FREE


Argent Towers - totally random, but I had a dream last night that I read a post by you and you’d changed you name. Weird huh.


Yes, facebook doth indeed sucketh mightily, hence why I’m no longer on it.

I blame MSN for my being subjected to facebook. I never ever wanted a social networking account, but I kept getting invites from workmates who knew me on MSN.

In a moment of monumental stupidity and curiosity I gave in, and opened up an account.

I now have about 12 friends who are actually friends (but the whole point being that I have access to them indepentently of the internet. A few more people who I don’t really like. And a few people I’ve never met (and probably wouldn’t want to meet)

Worse, my 12 year old niece is at that age where she’s on just about every twee preteen website in existence, including facebook. I’ve had invites to join other social networking sites and emails to do stupid quizzes and shit.

Even with the new layout, it’s still overbloated and slow as hell to load. Unlike MySpace, it doesn’t even have music pages to redeem it.

I’m with you. I used to love Facebook but now I never go on it and I am seriously contemplating severing friendships with pre-existing friends who seem to think it’s superior to e-mail and still use it exclusively to send me messages. Grr.

re their Terms of Use - I remember last year they kept removing photos of nursing moms and infants because the images [OMG BOOBIES] violated their terms of use. (I had no trouble finding publicly accessible pictures of female breasts in highly sexualized contexts.) Sickening.

The best parts of Facebook for me were always photo sharing and event organizing. But folks got nervous giving Facebook the rights to their photos (so they stopped posting them). And then I got sick to death of all the spam that follows every event invitation in the form of messages sent to everyone who’s received and not “ignored” the event invitation, and messages sent as “reply-all” (the only obvious option).

And now it’s not fun because most of my friends don’t use it any more. The critical mass is dead. How I miss it.

What did I change it to?

YakkityYak! :stuck_out_tongue:

I gave up on Facebook shortly after the apps started rolling. I actually gave up for a different reason: I got sick of the constant attempts to fuck with their users privacy in a sneaky way and the few-days-later “apologies” and the few days after that option added to turn off the new invasive behavior (which defaulted to “on” of course). I guess dodging the shitstorm of apps was just icing on the cake.

I don’t remember actually, it was just a case of me going “Oh, hang on, that used to be Argent Towers! Why did he change his name? I hate it when people do that as it’s really confusing.”

I think you know the Dope is taking over when you start dreaming it… :o