Facebook Meme: Pearl Harbor Payback is a Bitch!

One of those morons referred to the Japanese as “krauts”. Am I a bad person for laughing my ass off at that?

You have to laugh or you break things. Pearl Harbor is not these peoples’ tragedy. They’re just using it to justify their racism. They think they’re clever.

I knew giving Admiral Kimmel that earthquake machine was a mistake.

Sorry, have we met?

God, people are idiots.

“Krauts”? Good grief. Everybody knows they’re a buncha lousy Hakusais.

I think you raped her once.

I’ve been watching the thread on the disaster here, and then I went over to another board and read their thread. Holy shit people are fucking idiots. I’ll never bitch about the Dope again. One person said we could learn things from the Japanese, as they politely waited for aid instead of raiding stores. Then someone came out of nowhere with a rant about Pearl Harbor and how we don’t need to learn anything from them. After that I just came back here.

The ancient Hebrews were hardly unique in believing in tribal guilt.

“Was it over when the Germans bombed Pearl Harbor? No! And it’s not over now.”

You have faith in humanity. HA HA HA! You’re silly.

So I’m not the only one who thinks rape is funny. That’s good to know.

Probably shook her hand.

I’m not entirely clear how I can think rape is funny if I can’t think, or what the point of insulting me in print was when I can’t read, but… well, a topic for another thread, perhaps.

Be gentle with margin - I think she’s humour-disabled.

(For the record, I laughed long and hard when I read her response to your response to MY response! :smiley: )

Little-known-fact: That was originally how the Lord’s Prayer began. It was only changed after Constantine converted.

I was little offended as CNN had “MONSTER QUAKE HITS JAPAN” up the first day.

Really? Monster? Would you use that term if it struck anywhere else?

Do they think those movies are documentaries?

Heh - “MONSTER QUAKE HITS JAPAN” - that’s pretty funny. :slight_smile:

Am I am asshole for posting this joke on my Facebook the morning the news broke?

Insufficient data - it’s possible you’re an asshole irregardless. :stuck_out_tongue: But gallows humour is easier to swallow when it’s your own gallows you’re being tasteless about.
