Facebook Meme: Pearl Harbor Payback is a Bitch!

Forget it, those idiots are on a roll…

Yes, you kind of are.

Yeah, pretty much.

No, that was fucking awesome.

Anyone can put something like this together, since the morons are unstoppable.

Run a facebook search for “pearl harbor” – once you get your results, go to the left colummn and click “Posts by Everyone”. You’ll then get gems like these, which have been posted in the past few minutes:

No, you are brilliant.

Oh for…dammit, Japan, quit forcing US Americans to buy your cars at gunpoint! What’s that saying - too bad stupid isn’t painful.

Well, I still want revenge for Pearl Harbor. I know it was years ago, but the memory of it still stings. So I’m going to drive out to Michael Bay’s house and get my fucking eight dollars back. Three goddamn hours of a love story with Ben Affleck. I’m gonna need some payback for that one.

Can you swing by Roland Emmerich and give him a cock punch from me for “Independence Day”?

Fuckers. I liked…no, LOVED…my Oldsmobuick, and they forced me to buy a Toyota!

Cock-punch your own film-makers, can’t you? Honestly, seems like everyone expects someone else to do the grunt work for them these days… :rolleyes:

What should I give him for “Godzilla”?

An atomic wedgie.

Yes, but you’re a funny asshole, so that’s okay.

I have put that on my calendar.

And Hurricane Katrina. Well, okay, there were religious leaders saying Katrina was payback for Louisiana’s gay population, or something. God it’s like everyone’s turned into Fred Phelps.

Okay, I got a volunteer, Malacandra. :slight_smile:

Atomic wedgie works for me, too.

More like a prick, actually, but a clever one.:wink:

…after they forced you to get gay married.

Hey, I have a Toyota! So does my husband! Does that mean we both have to get gay married?